Self-Management In Renal Nursing 8
There are high costs involved in home dialysis programs, including high energy and
water costs. Some patients, depending on their background, might not afford to cater for these
costs, thus hindering the home dialysis programs from being widely implemented. Nevertheless,
the health system should identify these expenses and make sure that they are reimbursed. This
way, all the chronic kidney patients and, especially the elderly ones, will get proper care and
attention at home. Victoria has already taken a step forward in finding a solution to this problem
for home dialysis (Kidney Health Australia 2012).
Impacts of Chronic Illness on the Elderly and Health Care System
The HOME Network is a nationwide program to engage healthcare experts in the area of
home dialysis, empowering them to come up with solutions to overcome the difficulties that
presently slow down the adoption of home therapies within Australia (Kidney Health Australia
2012). Home hemodialysis in Australia is exercised by just about ten percent of the patients on
dialysis (Kidney Health Australia 2012). From research, it has been established that home
therapy is the best option for the elderly patients as it leads to good quality of living, improves
life expectancies and reduces amount of time spent in hospital. Among the elderly patients
suffering from chronic illnesses, they undergo several significant consequences. Their conditions
give rise to acute sicknesses, such as influenza and scarlet fever, and a few chronic diseases, in
particular stroke, cancer, and heart diseases. Moreover, these patients tend to experience some
difficulties when dealing with basic tasks like lifting objects or even walking for some distance.
The hospital may experience a decreasing number of in-center kidney failure patients as
many settle to home dialysis program, which is flexible and comfortable. Additionally, if
effectively carried out, home dialysis may eliminate the need for kidney transplants; hence,
hospitals will as well experience a decreasing number of patients requiring such kind of an