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supported by the elimination of oil tariffs that were arrived at during the signing of NAFTA. The
reduction of import duties has also led to the reduction of prices of primary commodities such as
vegetables, fruits, meat et cetera. Therefore, the views of Trump and Sanders are extreme and
impartial, and if they are adopted they are likely to increase consumer exploitation in the U.S.
Scott (8) argues that NAFTA has led to the expansion of the trading area. The NAFTA
has created a free trade bloc with 360 million consumers and a gross domestic product (GDP) of
$6.5 trillion Harrison & Mc Millan (859). Thus, NAFTA has increased the market for the
American, Canadian and Mexican goods and services. Hence, the abolishing of the trading bloc
will affect the economy of the individuals, organizations and the countries involved.
Villareal & Fergusson (14) show that industries in the NAFTA countries have managed
to export more goods to their neighbors without facing stiff protectionist’s tariffs that
discouraged traders before the signing of NAFTA. Hence, if the American government accepts
the anti-FTA ideologies, then the GDP of the U.S will experience a decline since there will be a
limited scope of business operation, limited sales in organizations and reduced investors in a free
trade area.
Harrison & Mc Millan (859) argue that Free trade policies have created a level of
competition in the modern open market that produces more innovation, improved products,
better-paying jobs, new markets, increased saving, and investment. It has also aided in spreading
values of freedom (globalization of trade enhances consumer’s choices because when goods
come from outside customers have more options of brands, styles, and varieties).
Trade agreements have also been found to be beneficial to the consumers. Many of the
products that are produced in the U.S are cheaper and better due to their imported components
and raw materials that improve their quality and lower their cost. Hence, trade agreements boost