them might have attributed it to sheer experience while those who considered themselves as
staunch might have found another explanation as to why it did not happen to reaffirm
their belief. According to research, cognitive dissonance can be corrected through the
application of a remedy which involves the elimination of the dissonance that has
occurred (Festinger & Carlsmith, 1959). According to the theory, the experienced tension and
discomfort are as a result of a mismatch of the behaviour, which in this case is failing to aid
my friend against the belief of helping individuals who are in need, yet I was in a position to
aid them. In the other experience, there was the occurrence of cognitive dissonance
when the belief of treating people kindly and politely was conflicted when the behaviour
conducted was the opposite of the attitude. The above experiences have the ability
to support the existence of cognitive dissonance as there has been conflicting attitudes
and beliefs in both experiences. Inner or internal consistency is one of a key goal in the
existence of cognitive dissonance as it provides a balance of the normal activities of an
individual. Beliefs that are conflicting or have a form of inconsistency lead to disharmony
which is what people try to avoid in the first place (Festinger & Carlsmith, 1959). According
to the theory, people tend to seek cognitions that are consistent, and they take various steps to
remove the conflicting dissonance (Girandola, 2010).
In the first experience, this involved the re-evaluation of the behaviour that had
occurred and how it had forsaken a belief. After conducting this behaviour, there was the
guilt that was felt at the moment. This was followed by use of a positive form of behaviour to
reduce or eliminate the dissonance that caused the imbalance. In the second experience,
the behaviour of shouting and being disrespectful to others due to having a bad day prompted
the feelings of guilt when it went against the attitude of belief of treating people kindly and
politely regardless of the situation. Both experiences have managed to provide sufficient
evidence of this. According to research, people reduce dissonance through the change of