According to a research article by Isaksen Joachim on sociological imagination, social
responsibility goes hand in hand with social imagination (Isaksen, J., 2013). It is very vital
therefore that individuals be taught how to be socially responsible by sociologists. The manner in
which people relate with each other is the pivot upon which society operates and runs and so this
cannot be neglected or debated. In the society, the manner in which individuals relate to each
other and the behavior of people can easily be explained by aspects of sociology. The behavior
of people is also shaped by the norms in society, regulations and even unspoken rules that are
known by individuals. Ones actions will always affect someone else either in a positive or
negative way and this could even be subconsciously. The lives of people are therefore
intertwined whether they know each other or not and therefore all individuals knowing that,
should be mindful of how they portray themselves before others.
Using sociological imagination, individuals have the ability to understand how society
and individuals function. The manner in which the society is set, shapes to a very great extent
how individuals think, act and the manner in which they make their decisions. The behavior of
someone is almost always dictated by the context of the situation as viewed by the society. Often
when people are having difficulty in their lives, they trace them back to social roots (Wiley, J.,
2015). This therefore would indicate that from social imagination, we are able to understand that
no situation however difficult it may be, is unique to only one individual and at the same time,
success for individuals is shaped by society and so not unique to an individual. Individuals often
carry themselves around and dress or eat the way society has shaped them to. When someone
moves locations and lives in a different place, they are likely to be socially changed and adapt to