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Rationalization is the process through which more and more aspects of human life
become subject to calculation, measurement and control. "Rationalization implies a shift in
cultural attitude: it animates by the fact that all problems can be solved through the applications
of calculations, measurements, and control." Rationalization is witnessed in the economy during
the organization of factory system as well as accounting principles, and separation of the
household from the firm, in religion as well as in law. Rationalization has led to greater
efficiency, accuracy, productivity as well as control, and disenchantment (Weber)
The oil curse is the democratic problem experienced by those states that depend upon the
petroleum resources for a large part of its earnings from exports tending to be less democratic.
This is due to the fact that they have no or little say on about the nature of oil and how it is
produced, distributed as well as used. The government also rarely discusses the oil rents, the
income which accrues when petrol is converted into government revenue. The anti-democratic
nature or oil curse of nations is therefore due to the fact that it gives the government resources to
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relieve social pressures, buy political support or suppress dissent. Understanding the relations
between fossil fuels and democracy is therefore determined by tracing connections built,
vulnerabilities as well as opportunities created by the presence of oil in a country. The presence
of oil in some territories in the pre-colonial times led to their colonization since they were
considered as resourceful regions. The relationship between coal, colonization and
industrialization points at the first connection between fossil fuels and is therefore
clear that oil can lead to the success as well as a curse to a nation due to its economic
importance. (Mitchell 400-410)
Scientization of politics is the relationship between science and politics. Most
governments have put in place scientific advisors who give them scientific advice pertaining the
political problems faced by these governments (Weingart). Many of the problems which are put
onto the political agenda are first discovered by scientists. Therefore, the government relies on
scientific investigations to help solve certain problems including environmental protection,
ozone depletion, problems associated with technologies among others. The advisor's role played
by scientists is original and this is ascertained by the boundary work existing between politics
and science. In other words, the same extent to which science is integrated into the process of
government; it plays an increasingly greater role in the definition of problems for solutions of
which it is asked for advice when these problems are put onto the political agenda. Therefore
science is normally used to provide answers to the management of a country or rather politics or
well-being of a nation
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Somatic individuals are geneticization of identity with the consequent reduction of the
human subject to a mere expression of their genetic complement. Somatic individual is also the
calculative approach to life with an eye for a future and to increasing self-well-being and that of
a family. This can be possible through eugenics, the science of improving a human population by
controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics. It can be
enhanced by improving the genetic pool of the nation, practices: sterilization, segregation,
extermination along with voluntary practices directed at desirable populations (Novasa and Rose
The transition from coal to oil Europe led to a contemporary crisis in democracy since it
was aimed at undermining the political power of Europe's coal miners (Forrestal, 1941, 9). Just
like coal, oil also gave workers some political power which led to two opposite political powers,
the coal workers and the oil workers. Since oil, unlike coal, was transported by pipes and
sometimes a ship, there was a reduction in the number of the human workforce since it was
pumped, unlike coal which was transported through railways hence it was seen as eliminating the
job workforce. There were also cartels formed which aimed at controlling the oil production,
sales, and transportation. The workers' strikes were always met with severe actions by the
government since oil, unlike coal, required fewer workers. The construction of newer energy
networks replacing coal with oil was therefore viewed as developing a post-war democracy in
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Europe as well as the sites used for oil production becoming points for political struggles and
therefore there was no chance for democracy in Europe at this time. (Mitchell 400- 420)
Genetic testing can lead to the formation of new social relations and new self-
understanding in different ways. First, through eugenics, this is the science of human population
by controlling the breeding to ensure an increase in the occurrence of desirable heritage
characteristics. This can also be done by improving the genetic pool of the nation. Secondly, the
DNA of individuals says a lot about them and differentiates each individual from the other. The
controlled mixing of certain genetic combinations can lead to new social relations as well as self-
understanding. Interbreeding of different classes of the same organism ensures that a stronger
organism with the very admirable genetic combination is achieved. For example, in order to
develop a breed resistant to all the unfavorable conditions along the equator in cattle rearing, a
superior breed has to be genetically modified with the local breed to give rise to a high breed
which can then possess the good characteristics of both breeds. (Novasa and Rose 486-497)
According to Nancy, science and capitalism are essentially at odds with each other and
instead of developing solutions for most urgent problems; scientists create technologies for those
who can pay regardless of the scientific value of the problem. This is manifested in different
situations including the case of the Genetically Modified Organisms where natural organisms are
induced in order to increase their yields. Genetically modified organisms possess health risks to
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human beings due to the use of chemicals that possess harmful effects to them. Therefore
instead of solving production problems instead has led to health concerns (Grubs 24)
Technologies have also been invented to help in the production processes. New and better
energy sources have been realized but they both possess health hazards to the users. Oil, for
example, undermined democracy in Europe when it first replaced coal. It also led to massive job
losses as well as sea pollutions. During the transition from coal to oil, it led to the political
instability since all powers wanted to control it. Instead of providing solutions, it ended up
disadvantaging the locals at the expense of the cartels who benefited from this lucrative business
(Ancheta and Hertlein 26-80)
The politicization of science has not helped in the provision of answers to the numerous
political and management problems and instead has led to the invention of many weaponry and
tactics by the government to remain in power without delivering to their country. The social
networks have also brought in some vices with it. Social platforms, for example, instead of
solving communication problems have brought in more negative ills into the society. It has
escalated the level of crimes as well as immoralities within the society whereas those companies
owning these platforms make profits at the expense of the suffering community (Weingart 57-
Technology has come with good and bad effects. The invention of guns, for example, has
escalated insecurity cases in the whole world. Although it was developed to help stop crimes and
for use in wars, some individuals have decided to use it in making wars and criminal activities.
The numerous warfares are due to the military technologies that have been developed by
scientists. Instead of coming up with harmless technologies, scientists have come up with
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technologies which are extremely dangerous to humans especially when in the wrong hands.
Therefore, Nancy's assessment is justified due to the numerous harm that these technologies have
caused. Some technologies have even led to increased cancer cases as well as other health risks
which are very vital to the human life.
Miranda, on the contrary, thinks that science and capitalism are essentially at odds with
each other since scientists make discoveries that allow companies to make money which in turn
brings them more research funds. This argument is very valid since all research projects require
funds. The governments on some occasions help fund researchers because they benefit a lot
when production processes are made to be faster and efficient within their jurisdiction. The
government gets most of its funding from taxes paid by its citizens. These are same funds that
are therefore allocated for research to help improve technology and therefore increase the
economy of these nations.
These technologies also come at a price and due to copyrights as well as trademarks; only
those who invented them are allowed to produce and supply these technologies and therefore
provide more funding for research. Many companies also, in the quest to improve their
productions offers to sponsor research to ensure that they outdo their competitors by use of
technology superior to theirs. The government has also developed departments or rather
scientists who advise them in their political as well as social problems. These scientists are
responsible for revealing solutions to problems faced during different times in the country which
includes environmental concerns.
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Technologies invented by scientists also have made most of them very rich due to the
rewards that come with such inventions. Most companies have partnered with a research
organization to ensure that they access better technologies produced by these firms. In the
medical sector, for example, many pharmaceuticals companies have invested in research to help
in enhancing their medical efficiency. This has helped to in making these researchers a success
since the required funding is made by financial powerhouses. The general public also benefits
from these technologies in many ways including saving of lives by the invention of many drugs
as well as machines to help administer efficiently to patients. Technology has also increased the
speed of passing information from one point to another (Park 669)
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Work Cited
Weber, Max. From Max Weber: essays in sociology. Routledge, 2013.
Weingart, Peter. "Scientific expertise and political accountability: paradoxes of science in
politics." Science and public policy 26.3 (1999): 151-161.
Birch, K. (2013). The political economy of technoscience: an emerging research agenda.
Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 7(1), 49-61.
Newman, H. H. "On the production of monsters by hybridization." The Biological
Bulletin 32.5 (1917): 306-321.
Novas, Carlos, and Nikolas Rose. "Genetic risk and the birth of the somatic individual."
Economy and society 29.4 (2000): 485-513.
Weber, Max. "Science as a Vocation." Daedalus 87.1 (1958): 111-134.
Edwards, Paul N., and Ann Arbor. "From “impact” to social process: Computers in
society and culture." Ann Arbor 1001 (1995): 48109-1092.

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