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eliminate use of fossil fuels (Perlin 115). The Navy has been heavily investing in the biofuels
and stationary solar powers, but now it wants to tap into space solar power.
The differences in capability and characteristics between the microwaves that are used in
cellular phones or microwave ovens and the laser beams commonly used in presentation pointers
or computer printers have confused the researchers in making a choice. They have not decided
whether to combine them or use one of them. They are currently carrying on experiments to help
them find the more efficient of the two to transmit energy. Regardless of the technology they
decide to use, these scientists will be able to collect sunlight from the outside atmosphere of the
Earth that will help them have a continuous supply of it. The supply will not be influenced by
seasons, weather or time of day. It will be effective and efficient in the collection of solar energy
(Mankins 32).
The status of development of the space solar power involves such countries as Japan,
India, and the United States, which have various projects dealing with this research. They are
developing robots that will assemble solar arrays to help provide the Earth with a large amount
of renewable and clean energy that will be delivered wirelessly. The developments will see a
high production of energy of up to 1GW (Mankins 35). The concept is scientifically sound, as
explained by the experts from the U.S. Navy who have done their research in the Naval Research
The scientist and researchers in Japan are experiencing many technological challenges
that need to be solved before they implement the space solar powers. Fortunately, in principle,
they claim to be getting close to a specific stage that is feasible. They have managed to proceed
to technology demonstration phase from the study phase. This country is leading in the space
solar power research in the whole world. The researchers in this country are conducting research