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In 1976 Wezniak and Steve jobs formed their own company by the name Apple Computer
Company. Steve jobs suggested the name in the memory of how he used to spend this summer in
picking apples. Steve jobs and Wozniak raised $1300 from selling Jobs Microbus and Wozniaks
calculator. Before that they used to sell circuit boards. These boards worked in the computer
prototype as they used to hold internal components of a computer. Steve Jobs had noticed that
the market for the computer was available because of its demand. At that time computers were
main frames like most of them. The computers were so large that they could occupy the whole
room and also were expensive for one to buy.
The idea of selling to individual users made Steve Jobs and Woizniak to redesign their computer.
Their company was known in the market in the year 1977 whereby they made their first sales of
$27 million. Within 3 years period the company sales had grown to $200 million. These was one
the largest profit growth in the US history. Wozniak and Jobs made a step further by opening a
new markets for its personal computers. Within 1980 the personal computers era was well
underway and the Apple Company had to strategize on how to improve its products in order to
remain ahead this is because they experienced many competition in the market.
Apple came up with a new model by the name Apple 111 this new model had challenges of
technical and marketing. These challenges made Apple 111 to be revoked from the market but it
was later modified and renewed. Steve Job was the main marketer that was in control of the
In 1983 Steve Jobs came up with Lisa, it was made in way that it could possess minimal computer
experience. Lisa was more expensive than the computers sold by its main competitors.
International business machines (IBM) was their main competitor.