Steven Odhiambo- Harvard Sample

The Impact of Digitalization on Newspapers 1
The Impact of Digitalization on Newspapers
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The Impact of Digitalization on Newspapers 2
The Impact of Digitalization on Newspapers
In the past two decades, the society has undergone enormous advancements in
technology. Digitalization represents the process of altering content creation, storage,
distribution and consumption from analog to digital techniques. Traditionally, news media
functioned as a three-sided market which encompassed creating trusted information in the
context of news that readers paid for. Additionally, the news media involved selling of the
readers’ views to brands, organizations and even individuals through the concept of
advertisements. Complicated distribution and customer loyalty typically protected the existing
firms from new entrants in the newspaper section.
However, the digitalization has interrupted the conventional three-market operations in
news media. Indeed, internet and internet-connected devices have disintermediated the content
creation, readers’ view perception and consumption patterns. Currently, an individual in any
location of the globe can access information through internet-linked devices such as computers
and smartphones and social media entities such as Twitter, Facebook and Snapchat and other
websites. Advancement in technology allows internet actors to access enormous data on the
characteristics and preferences of the consumers which enables customization of advertisements
and news an attribute that traditional print newspapers cannot match. This paper critically
analyzes the impact of digitalization on the newspaper industry through discussing its effects on
production and consumption of news.
History of Digitalization of Newspapers
The Impact of Digitalization on Newspapers 3
In the mid-1400s, the German Johannes Gutenbury established the movable printing
press (Suijkerbuijk, 2014, p. 14). The invention allowed newspapers producers to venture into
mass production and distribution. Since the 17th century, the newspaper industry utilized paper
to print news the way it is done in the current society. Other developments such as the telegraph
further increased the popularity of newspapers as a source of information for individuals and
businesses alike. However, in the 20th century, radios and televisions were invented and become
alternatives to printed newspapers. The increase in generic competition forced newspapers
producers to increase the quality of the products and make them more attractive to the
consumers. In the technology bubble of the 2nd half of the 20 century, many newspapers
producers invested in analyzing the business idea of online newspapers (Ellonen, 2006, p. 2).
Indeed in the late 1980s, several newspapers firms began publishing on the internet.
The transformation of digitalization in regard to production, distribution, and
consumptions relates to the development of the computer. Computers as electronic devices
analyze and present data in digital form. Digitalization involves the progression of input data into
numbers. As such, information typically takes the structure of qualities such as light or sound or
the traditionally written texts, graphs, diagrams, and photographs. Upon input, data is analyzed
and stored in the form of online sources or memory devices upon which they are decoded and
received as displays on the screen (Krahmer and Phillips, 2011, p. 3). The most significant
attribute associated with the change from analog to digital techniques involves the transformation
from the traditional physical form such as print newspapers to electronic form including media
houses websites.
In the creative industries, digitalization has been in progress for decades. Advancements
in technology alter almost everything on how news is produced and consumed. In the 20th
The Impact of Digitalization on Newspapers 4
century, consumers were expected to capture news while it was unfolding or risk losing that
content forever and relying heavily on second-hand information. However, digitalization has
eradicated issues related to the freshness or perishability of news. In this regard, newspapers
readers had better opportunities of accessing information more than once. Currently, news in
digital databases is accessible through the internet. The consideration given to news content has
reduced dramatically and content preferences have changed (Leandros and Doudaki, 2009, p. 4).
Individuals across the globe watch more links and read less broadcast news, interest in weekly
and monthly magazines issues override the interest in daily publications. The discovery of
breaking news online.
In the analysis of the developments in the newspaper industry, it is necessary to
acknowledge the evolution of content published in newspapers. In the late 19th century,
newspapers were meant for the elite and the educated with a focus on the business class.
However, the influence of these newspapers declined with the necessity of commercial that
contributed to the mass production of newspapers after the First World War (Grone, et al., 2013,
p. 24). Newspapers focused on entertaining, impacting human interest and provided a keen
interest in social evils including crimes, violence among other societal scandals. Mass circulation
was a major attribute of this generation of newspapers since they attracted a large readership. In
the last four decades, newspapers expanded their content to radical and other diverse content.
Differences between Traditional Newspapers and E-newspapers
E-newspapers differ from the print newspapers in regard to the way it is delivered. Online
newspapers exist in digital form while the traditional newspapers are presented in physical form.
The digitalization aspect associated with online newspapers allows the delivery of content in a
“live” manner while traditional newspapers remain in print (Flavian and Gurrea, 2009). E-
The Impact of Digitalization on Newspapers 5
newspapers can be accessed anywhere at any time of the day so long the reader has access to the
internet while the traditional papers require being bought and carried around. Online papers
allow alteration and customization to the needs of a specific reader while the traditional paper is
standardized. Whereas traditional papers are typically bundled, online news article allow the
delivery of a single article to the customer.
Adverse Effects of Digitalization on Print-newspapers
Currently, most of the newspapers have an online version. However, the change from the
traditional analog systems to digitalization seems to be rather difficult to plan and implement.
The newspaper industry was once a profitable entity compared to other industries over time, until
recently (Mitchelstein and Boczkowisk, 2010, p. 571). Despite the innovation of telegraph, radio,
and television which represented intense competition in news delivery, the newspaper industry
has always adapted and superseded the challenges to make profits. However, the concept of
digitalization seems to be a far more complicated avenue for the newspaper industry.
Faced with several adversaries it seems newspapers will be forced to abandon the
traditional forms of production and distribution for a much more innovative approach. The main
source of revenues in the newspaper industry is advertising and circulation. Research indicates
almost two decades ago, in 2000, more than eighty percent of the total income comes from
advertising (Nawrocki, 2014, p. 6). In this regard, circulation accounts for a mere 20% of the
total revenue. However, digitalization has affected the amount of revenue that newspapers earn
from advertisements. The reduction in print-newspapers penetration in recent years has led to a
decreased incentive for advertisers to utilize newspapers and magazines to reach their
consumers. Currently, corporate marketers prefer and rely heavily on relatively cheaper and
dynamic online advertising.
The Impact of Digitalization on Newspapers 6
Indeed, many businesses prefer to post their adverts in key social media applications such
as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat. Moreover, in cases of print classified ad
sections, marketers tend to prefer websites that are specialized in classified advertising and social
networking. Additionally, the decrease in revenues despite many newspapers having an online
version is related to lower income from advertisement online compared to the income from
printed newspapers. Research indicates between the years 2005 and 2009 revenues associated
with advertisements in print newspapers dropped by more than 40 percent (Nawrocki, 2014, p.
32). The decrease in revenue indicates a decrease in profit margin in the former industry giant.
Moreover, the transition to digital forms of distribution indicates reduced revenues from
circulation. Most of the news avenues on online platforms tend to provide content free with the
intention of maximizing revenues from advertisements and foregoing income associated with
circulation in print-media or subscription fee in online avenues (Olarare, et al., 2013). The losses
in circulation and subscription further reduce income in the newspaper industry.
The decrease in revenues has prompted both large and small newspapers to devise
strategies that reduce production costs. The most vital costs for print newspapers include
printing, administration and editorial personnel, mechanical, and distribution. Labor costs
transitioned to almost half of the total expenses in the newspaper industry (Kaye and Quinn,
2010, p. 92). As such, many newspapers companies made a decision to cut costs through
reducing labor expenses. Indeed, between 2001 and 2009, most newspapers that published
content on a daily basis reduce their personnel by almost 25% (Byrne, 2013). While the
reduction in staff was an informed decision to prevent several companies from plunging into
losses and debts, reduction in the staff has affected the coverage of print media. A reduction in
coverage has the potential of leading to under-reporting which affects consumer trust and loyalty
The Impact of Digitalization on Newspapers 7
hence decreased market presence. The losses associated with the decrease in advertising,
circulation and subscription revenue may be much higher hence affecting the decision to switch
to online papers.
Positive Effects of Digitalization
Digitalization presents systems that provide the necessary resources for companies to
upgrade their production and distribution channels hence the ability to expand. Many
organizations are leveraging the advantages accorded by internet and digitalization to gain
competitive advantage and subsequently increase their profit margins. Embracing digitalization
enables newspapers to save both time and costs in the production stage. The traditional system
associated with typing informing before printing not only consumed a lot of time but also was
relatively expensive. Additionally, the cost associated with physical distribution makes it
difficult to meet company financial objectives without a significant increase in prices of
products. Digitalization simplifies production process while eliminating the expenses associated
with distributions to different locations (Leandros and Doudaki, 2009, p. 6). Digitalization has
revolutionized the way news creators work and collaborate. Indeed research indicates if a
company such as the New York Times totally discards print newspaper and invest entirely on e-
newspapers which involves digital distribution, the company will cut their current costs by more
than half.
The advancements in information systems accelerate the process of news reaching the
reader while reducing the associated distribution costs. Traditionally, newspapers spent a lot of
time on distribution, especially in daily publications. With digitalization, a journalist can post
content within minutes of the approval of the editors which reaches consumers immediately.
Newsmakers are able to reach the consumer directly through complementing intermediaries.
The Impact of Digitalization on Newspapers 8
Digital technologies allow consumers to seek more information since individuals can
read as many headlines as they desire with no extra costs. Web 2.0, the current system of the
internet and digitalized devices thrive on user-added value where it involves user-generated
content and creativity that are designed to meet the needs of each individual (Nawrocki, 2014, p.
35). The characteristic of digitalization that allows customization of consumer interest motivates
individuals to continue to consume information.
Additionally, digitalization provides an opportunity for the media houses to connect with
their readers in a more direct way. Interaction with users enable the media houses to gain
perspective on the established processes and as such play a role in creating innovative and
profitable ideas. The current aspects of digitalization and internet thrive on applications that
improve with an increase in users, services that advance with increased interaction between
individuals and content providers on basis of word of mouth and experience (Karim, et al.,
2012). Since users are no longer mere receivers of information, the limitations associated with
print-newspapers are reduced. Companies are able to learn about the preferences of the consumer
and design products that meet customer needs.
Furthermore, the interaction with consumers enables news readers to play a role in news
creating. Due to digitalization, a broader amount of individuals can become news creators. In this
sense, the previous evident distinction between newsmakers and consumers has recently become
blurred. While this may be perceived as a threat to newspapers companies that are already facing
stiff competition it indicates a promise in the level of interest on part of the consumer. As
individuals become more engaged in the production of news the general interest in news content
escalates hence the possibility of increased demand. In this regard, there is a possibility of the
newspaper industry to reverse the current trend of decreasing revenues (Leckner, 2007, p. 13).
The Impact of Digitalization on Newspapers 9
Digital innovation has made news production and distribution more efficient which represents
the possibility of the newspaper industry to return to its former glory associated with high-
income levels and large profit margins.
Consumer Perspective
There is no doubt that the consumers enjoy extensive benefits due to digitalization related
to easier access to extensive and diverse content at relatively cheap cost. Research indicates
consumers’ gain more relevant information than ever before which facilitates in expanding their
creativity (Grone, et al., 2013, p. 42). Online access to news published by key media houses and
other bloggers increases customer news reception in comparison to the traditional requirement of
buying print- newspapers, and journals. The main driver of benefits associated with digitalization
is related to the proliferation of new devices that enable individuals to access internet in devices
such as tablets and smartphones rather than relying heavily on the personal computer. Indeed, the
possession of internet-enabled devices has increased the number of internet users in the past few
Digitalization is influencing the nature of consumer demand. Although there is evidence
of decreased revenues for many newspaper companies across the globe, research indicates that
the past decade has witnessed a tremendous growth of online news consumption (Grone, et al.,
2013, p. 43). The availability of free content coupled with the ease of access increases the
amount of news content an individual reads in a day. Traditionally, a news reader was required to
spend cash buying a newspaper whose content was limited to current events. Indeed the
characteristic personalization concept associated with digitalization enable consumers to access
relevant information. Additionally, new technologies enable extensive and reliable storage of
content hence facilitating access to content years after their initial publication (Grone, et al.,
The Impact of Digitalization on Newspapers 10
2013, p. 28). Indeed, the growth of online consumption of news is directly associated with the
recent upsurge in the time spent on the internet.
Moreover, digitalization has facilitated consumer-producer interaction in the newspaper
industry which benefits both the producer and the consumer. When customers communicate their
needs to media houses directly, there is a high probability the companies will change systems to
attune with consumer demand. The ability to voice concerns, suggestions enables the growth of
creativity on part of the consumer (Erikkson, et al., 2008, p. 32). Digitalization has enabled the
consumer to be more involved in the production process an advantage for both firms and the
Despite its extensive benefits to news readers, most consumers are aware and concern of
the perceived risks associated with digitalization. The risks vary from data security to fear of
fraud and awareness of viruses and malware. The keenness on digital privacy has increased with
recent developments that indicate several apps are involved in the transmission of sensitive user
information. The ability to provide user content based on the readers’ reading habits indicates the
monitoring of content that an individual reads. It is important for newspaper companies and other
participants in the creative industry to ensure the security of user information.
As mentioned, many new paper companies currently have an online subsidy to tap into
the advantages associated with digitalization. Much of the content provided online is free. A
study conducted to analyze if consumers will be willing to subscribe to the content they currently
get for free online indicated that more than 80 percent preferred the services to remain free.
Indeed, 75 percent insisted that if they paid for online news sources they will seize from using
those services (Suijkerbuijk, 2014, p. 45). However, research indicates that generally consumers
are spending more in the creative industries and are willing to pay for quality services. Indeed,
The Impact of Digitalization on Newspapers 11
the study indicated more than 60 percent of the news readers were willing to pay on the
condition that the content provided was ad-free.
Adaptation by Newspaper Companies
Many news websites are available without a paywall or subscription requirements hence
supported solely by advertising revenues. Advertising revenues alone are not enough for most
companies since the rates of online adverts differ considerably with the previous print ads
compensation. Since the consumer is only willing to pay for the eradication of adverts it is
necessary for newspapers companies to strategize on the increase of income associated with
advertising. The techniques involve reshaping their products and content to appeal to the current
generation of consumers while innovating other news ideas consistent with technology. It is
necessary to acknowledge the traditional print-media was created in an environment that has
undergone tremendous changes.
As individuals spend more time on the internet, it is expected their news consumption
will fragment across a wide range of products and services from professional content to user-
generated content to classified ads to social networks such as Facebook. Moreover, the ease of
production indicates consumption of news will fragment even further across a variety of
producers. The key issue in progressing is not merely related to whether newspapers companies
can effectively make profits on a digital domain but if they can create attractive and relative
consumer experiences. This because the quality of information can only be determined by
reading content hence the importance of user-experience (Karim, et al., 2012). It is important for
newspaper companies to build an online presence through capitalizing on their established
brands. For instance, a known brand like New York Times can create an extensive following in
the digital economy based solely on its name.
The Impact of Digitalization on Newspapers 12
News delivery is usually based on trust since consumers want to receive accurate
information. As such, known newspapers brands can effectively override the issue of a variety of
producers. Undeniably, the failure of several newspapers companies to exploit the advantages of
digitalization is partly explained by the dominance of hierarchical structure where information is
mainly controlled by top editors and established publishing brands. Currently, many newspaper
organizations opt to mass produce media content through the social network hence the possibility
of benefiting from advertisements in social media platforms such as Facebook.
However, the assets associated with an established brand should be complemented by a
large variety of content type including; sports, entertainment, fashion, political with the use of
common digital features such as videos, site blogs and interactive tools such as chat sections. It is
necessary for newspapers companies to graduate from publisher’s core of fixed content that was
typically intended for general readership, to digital-combined analytics provides an avenue for
newspapers to manage and reorganize content hence providing a personal experience for each
reader (Grone, et al., 2013, p. 46). Efforts of customization include; auto-curated data and
entertainment options facilitated by algorithms that suggest related content attuned to particular
customer interests, reading history among other contextual information.
Indeed, exploring the digital-combined analytics allows newspapers to extend their reach
beyond their proprietary content to third parties. The third parties may entail other content
providers and commerce partners. Collaborating with other parties allow the partners to tie
complementary goods and services into the user experience hence opening new channels for
income through monetizing on both original content but also the audiences access and insight on
the partner’s goods and services. Additionally, such an avenue will also increase the value of ad
inventory for the individual newspapers will increase especially in situations where they are
The Impact of Digitalization on Newspapers 13
supported by a detailed understanding of the audience. In addition to diversification of content,
many newspaper companies are investing in international expansion. Changes in news gathering
techniques coupled with ease in production and the associated digital distribution provide an
avenue for newspapers companies to reach a global audience at very low costs.
However, despite the extensive opportunities for expansion it is necessary to
acknowledge digitalization will continue to have a disruptive influence on many newspapers
firms especially those who were heavily involved in printing formats. Newspapers companies
will continue to struggle with the transition from the former analog to digital systems (Byrne,
2013). However, news platform that was born digital such as the Huffington Post is inventing
new formats that are beneficiary to e-newspapers. The Huffington Post and BuzzFeed implement
formats that are tailored for specific audience hence providing cases in point of the concept of
“creative destruction” in the print sector (Grone, et al., 2013, p. 46).
Research indicates that to a great extent the online avenue of the newspaper industry has
forced many publishing houses to restructure the previous print news from the former editorial
reasons to strategic purposes (Nawrocki, 2014, p. 7). There are evident differences in which
editorial content is presented online and in print edition insinuating an underlying difference in
functionality. For instance, the front pages in online newspapers often include a multitude of
news items and pointers to other types of information. Print editions, on the other hand, illustrate
a major story on the front page.
People read newspapers for four different reasons including the search for specific
information, to get updates on current issues, for leisure purposes and merely as a habit.
Digitalization has not altered the reasons for reading newspapers. Indeed, the reasons for
preferring traditional newspapers instead of e-paper and vice versa is based on the concept of
The Impact of Digitalization on Newspapers 14
diffusion of innovations. The choice of online papers over traditional newspapers is based on the
relative advantage which indicates to what extent individuals consider online access to news
better than print news whether in regard to money or convenience of access. Another factor
influencing choice is associated with compatibility which illustrates e-newspapers are considered
to be more compatible with the current needs of the society since it values user preference as
compared to the traditional newspaper. Additional another motive of preference of one form over
the other relates to the observability of the visible consequences of choosing one form over the
other (Flavian and Gurrea, 2009). In this regard, research indicates print and online coexist as
long as the editors pay attention to peculiarities. Indeed, some individuals ascertain despite the
extensive advantages associated with online news articles, they still prefer to read printed papers.
The perceptions and preferences of individuals tend to change. However, it is vital to realize the
continual development of technology illustrates the further expansion of digitalization and its
effects in the creative industry.
Digitalization has brought certain changes in all areas of business and life. Like many
other sectors of the economy, the newspaper industry is going through a digital revolution. The
changes in the newspaper industry extend beyond the introduction of new technologies but
encompass changes in business relations in the industry. Print-newspapers across the globe are
facing a decline in revenues associated with the decrease in consumers that influence advertisers’
shift from using newspapers to reach the public. Although newspapers services on the internet
have been a common concept since the 1990s, many newspapers are yet to establish a strong
business presence in the digital economy. Competition and increased marketers and consumer
expectations indicate online advertising as a source of income will remain a demanding pursuit.
The Impact of Digitalization on Newspapers 15
Strategies for monetizing content better are not enough to solve the decreasing revenue problems
in the newspapers industry especially for established companies that profited heavily from
printing prior to digitalization. It is necessary for newspaper companies to invest in new types of
content and diverse ad inventory. Additionally, there is a necessity of new ad formats the will be
able to compete in the dynamic digital economy. It is important to recognize digitalization has
been essential in facilitating consumer-producer interaction that benefits both the consumer and
the newspaper industry.
The Impact of Digitalization on Newspapers 16
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