5.2 Design Method and Procedure
The study focus is system approach as a tool for Effective Management of Power and influence
in Organization. The appropriate methodology, therefore, is the longitudinal design that allows
examination of a phenomenon over time in a natural setting to build a theory. Data collection will entail
two phases where collection during the 3-month period will involve multiple sources of historical data,
which will get triangulated to establish validity and reliability. In the first step, data will get obtained
from corporate archival related to the company. Primary sources include organizational charts, internal
reports, and internal reports. Secondary sources include public disclosures, publications from the
media, domestic articles and technical reports. The second phase, the formal interview will be
conducted; the discussions will provide detailed data for active triangulation.
5.3 Research Assumptions
The assumptions of the research concerning peoples nature in context that is social include:
subjectivity of reality, the social world consist of individuals assign to events important systems, the
meanings source is social interaction with each other. Further, it gets assumed that interactions have the
ability to modify interpretations of events and events dynamisms results to different interpretations.
Other assumptions to ways that people acquire knowledge include: view that is clear on how to proceed
with change as the pluralist characteristics dominate situations; it’s hard to express solution in simple
models that are rational as they characterized by complexities.
5.4 Ethical Considerations
The study attempts to create both responsibility and professionalism in the following ways: It
will utilize appropriate gathering of data means, informed consent involvement, it will avoid deception
and carefully interpreted the data.
5.5 Limitations of the Study
The research process gets faced with high levels of relativism and subjectivity thus possibility
of different results with two interviews of the same individual. In this sense, it 's hard to replicate the