possible attacks is broad, a problem increased by what is commonly referred to as the attack
surface, which is the size of vulnerability that software and hardware presents. For instance, if an
exploit of hacking targets Apple iPhones and all the employees in that company are in possession
of one, then the attack surface will be determined by the number of workers in that business.
Additionally, software and hardware offer a wide array of vectors for attacks. For instance, an
iPhone may have a varied range of vulnerabilities that can be exploited and used together to hack
a device (ACS, 2016).
Consequently, the embedded systems that power infrastructure including electricity,
transport, and communications are also targets for cyber-attacks. Here, threats tend to be
targeted, but the impacts are considered even more dangerous. For instance, turning off an
electrical grid can lead to a life-threatening outcome (ACS, 2016). A vital point to note is that an
attack can be appreciated as targeted if it meets the criteria of scope, persistence, and level of
effort. Scope means that instead of making attempts to victimize as many people as they can,
attackers concentrate on a particular organization or group of companies in a specific industry.
The attack scope may further be reduced to individual employees in a firm (O'Leary, Grahn, &
Poarch, 2017).
Persistence, on the other hand, means that attackers prioritize on outlined and coordinated
activities that lead to the achievement of specific goals, instead of racing through an attack with
the idea of outpacing cyber-security efforts put in place. Staying undetected is a significant
priority- a slow-and-low approach is used majorly. Lastly, the level of effort means that the
cyber attackers spend substantial resources, time and attempts performing the attack. Moreover,
targeted threats are mostly unearthed long after the breach, when a confidential customer,
security, and corporate data have been stolen. Therefore, they are not only an IT security issue,