The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), popularly known as
Obamacare, is one of the major reform legislations that have been implemented in the past
decade. It was implemented to improve the quality of healthcare, access to healthcare services
for all, and to provide affordable care (KFF, 2013). One of the core competencies of the Institute
of Medicine (IOM) is the provision of patient-centered care, and the ACA upholds this principle
in its implementation in different healthcare settings (Finkelman, 2016). This discussion
elaborates how the ACA was implemented in the organization that I work for.
I work in a nursing home based in Philadelphia, PA. the organization embraced the ACA
as soon as it was adopted, especially since it emphasized on the provision of affordable quality
healthcare to the disadvantaged members of society. The management implemented the ACA
based on two main pillars. The first was staff training to equip the nurses and other caregivers
with the skills they need for handling mental illnesses and patient abuse among the elderly in
accordance to PPACA Section 6121 (Medicare Advocacy, 2018). The second pillar was
transparency, which saw the organization avail its information to the Medicare Website for
comparison purposes. Through these efforts, the nursing home managed to comply with the
requirements of the PPACA.
The workers were supportive of the implementation of the ACA and were particularly
helpful in adopting the new technology that would ensure transparency in the provision of
quality services to the patients. They equally participated well in the training sessions and
applied the knowledge in caring for the elderly. The surrounding community also benefited from
the implementation, especially because the emphasis on transparency enabled consumers to have