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Theology, Islamic and Jewish traditions and the Formal and natural language logic. In his
writings, only a third of them exists today.
The goal of the Aristotelian Philosophy was to put into words the essential
principles and concepts in all areas. Aristotle created a knowledge foundational structure that
remained unquestionable and dominant in the areas of psychology, biology, and physics until the
17th century. Aristotle made the writings as lecture notes which were outlined systematically,
technically and in abstract. The subject comprised of The Nicomachean Ethics, the poetics, the
politics, the physics and the Metaphysics.
The treatise by Aristotle was the first task in the philosophy’s history to bear the
“Metaphysics” title. Nevertheless, the philosopher did not use the word Metaphysics and also did
not it as his study field. The first century C.E. editor is the person who evidently coined the name
(Leslie, David and Peter 263). He assembled the Aristotle’s Metaphysics treatise from the works
of Aristotle. The metaphysics title probably designated the topics and places discussed within
were envisioned to subjugate in the logical curriculum.
The subject matter of Aristotle was described differently including theology,
wisdom, the study of being qua being or as first philosophy. Aristotle had an outline describing
the human nature and the soul as a set of dimensions. According to Aristotle, a soul is a
description of how a living being functions and operates. The certain kind of an organism is
described by the form of the living thing. These theories were not in agreement with Plato’s
dualism that the soul was a material substance and that it would be present outside the body of
the living thing even after death (Leslie, David and Peter 156). The human psyche was