The Brain and Mediumship Phenomena

The Brain and Mediumship Phenomena
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The Brain and Mediumship Phenomena
The term Mediumship is normally used for referring to the state when a person
communicates with spirits or even entities in whatever dimensions or realms possible (Bastos et
al., 2015). The people who practice it are always able to get the information or the messages
from these spirits by varying and tuning energy fields in their favor. Gauld (2012) affirms that
the people who practice this are called Mediums, and they tend to receive information via many
forms of hearing or even seeing these spirits. They may also be able to communicate through
smelling or tasting while other people do feel the messages that come from these spirits.
Some of the Mediums have been claiming that they often remain conscious whenever
they are going through such a communication period, and other Mediums say that they undergo a
“full trance” status meaning that they pass from the conscious state to the unconscious state
(where their mental and physical processes get totally controlled by visitors in the spirit world
(Bastos et al., 2015).As the Medium’s collective consciousness continues to expand, they
naturally become tuned in towards themselves and even the other people around them. Such is a
phenomenon that is quite enlightening since it activates the DNA codes and makes them be able
to discover their purpose and who they really are or why they are at such a place.
The general opening of the Mediums’ psychic abilities that are also inherent can only be
associated with the DNA code activation meaning that the cellular encoded memories can now
be put to use after all. There is also the activation of their chakras while all in all, their frequency
rose to balance the energy bodies or their self-esteem.Gauld (2012) says that their ability to be
able to trust the items or contents they are 'hearing', or ‘feeling', and even 'seeing' is also
enlightened by this encoding of DNA so as to improve the emotional state while still expanding
the Mediums’ knowledge base within areas for this physical reality.
Mediumship may also be referred to as a process whereby the human becomes the
instrument of medium or simply a channel which is used for the purposes of achieving the
presentation of information that is also verifiable or even otherwise, causes the activities that are
so-called paranormal to occur, brings about channelling of certain energy types while also
manifesting themselves to objective examination or even identification as Gauld (2012) affirms
in his study.
From such a perspective, one is able to notice the following ideas about mediumship. It is
apparent that it indeed involves the cooperation of the effort between the person upon the Earth
(a medium or even a channel) together with the person within the Spirit (known as the
communicator) (Bastos et al., 2015).There also happens to be several objectives that are behind
the overall manifestation of the essence of mediumship. Again, mediumship can also be used by
the people in Spirit to achieve various purposes such as the presentation of information and
manifestation of themselves in a material way. The essence of mediumship may also involve
cooperation in between the two individuals. This involves the Earth-plane medium or even
channel, and the spirit operator or even communicator as Robertson and Biaggioni (2012)
According to Rose (2015), the spirit that uses this medium for communication, in either
any verbal means or any visual means, may be referred to as the spirit communicator. The spirit
that uses this medium for any intention of working together with manipulating the energies or
even energy systems may be referred to as the spirit operator. Such a distinction proves to be
very general. Thus it should be also noted that the spirit operator may be able to communicate.
Thus, the essence of mediumship may be distinguished to form two basic categories in the name
of mental mediumship and that of physical mediumship as referred to as Gauld (2012).
Mediums may also require some training within their minds so as to acquire this sense.
Some of the practices which bring about the training can be identified as mediumship which
helps in achievement of the ability. Some of the clairvoyant mediums have been able to the
entity as if it possesses a body that is physical in nature. They happen to see this bodily form to
be as if they were present in a physical state while other mediums tend to see this entity using the
mind's eye same as the vision from a television program within their mind (Bastos et al.,
2015).TheMedium tends to feel some kind of sensations inside the body of their energy fields
(also known as the auric fields) for these physical together with spiritual realms. Psychometry
can also be regarded to as the other aspect of this mediumship aspect. Psychometry happens to
be an ability to hold an object or sensing these energy fields which surrounds an item (Bastos et
al., 2015).
From this perspective, the mental mediumship can be taken to involve a relationship
between information, communication (through varied aspects for thought transference) and even
mental telepathy for that matter. The essence of mental telepathy simply brings about
information through thought even without the use of any physical senses as Halloy (2016)
alludes to. The mental mediumship may take place in a conscious mind as its medium, the results
being expressed verbally while passing through a medium's mouth. By the use of this telepathic
nature, the idea of mental mediumship may sometimes be referred to imply the telepathic
mediumship (Bastos et al., 2015).
By this demonstration of the idea of mental mediumship, Halloy (2016) notes that it is
such a medium that hears or sees and even feels what these spirit communicators may be relating
to in general. Furthermore, the medium is the one who functions as the relay of this information,
while providing a minimum amount of personal influence or even prejudice, as it is relayed to
the recipient for this message, which may also be known to as a sitter. Thus, the medium may be
able to receive such information under the various states for control.
Gauld (2012) also says that the physical mediumship may involve manipulation or even a
transformation of the physical systems together with energies within their own environments
matter of fact. Spirit operators, in this case, may be seen to cause something upon the plane of
the Earth. Whatever also happens actually tends to vary with the given style for this mediumship
phenomenon being involved, while noting that the results may be seen or even heard by the
Brain Interpretation of Consciousness
According to Rose (2015), ‘consciousness’ happens to be the ability to combine much
more information in a manner that is efficient until it yields a certain ability to analyze the
abstract concepts in nature. Consciousness can be explained as an imagination of the difference
between the image in the brain of a person to that of the digital camera. This particular raw
image happens to be similar whether it is on the camera screen and in the person’s head
altogether. The camera may treat every pixel independently as it does not recognize the object
while the brain, on the other hand, manages to combine various parts of this image so as
to identify the particular object which generates the image in the brain of a person. The camera in
this sense may be regarded to be ‘unconscious’ while the brain of a human being is considered to
be ‘conscious’ (Halloy, 2016).
This can be used to explain how the brain of a human clearly processes the given
information but a question arises about the heightened consciousness in a human’s brain when
compared to that of say, a mouse. Robertson and Biaggioni (2012), from their study, believes
that size of our brain can automatically be linked to consciousness where he adds that the brain
of a human has neurons close to 86 billion while that of a mouse has 75 million. While his
argument portrays that our brains have more nerves since they are bigger and hence can be able
to form complex thoughts, it doesn’t explain where the consciousness arises from.
The brain size is not a determinant factor as such for the consciousness but rather the
structures or areas that the brain consists in a single entity. For instance, Rose (2015) the
cerebellum in the human brain is found at the base, and it does contain around 70 billion of the
total neurons within the brain, while cerebral cortex is found at the top part of the human brain
and it does contain about 16 billion neurons.
Again, a situation would arise where the consciousness of a person would remain if it
happened that part of their brain was to be cut off from their cerebellum, but they would end up
walking in a lopsided manner while still functioning with these conscious thoughts. But if the
cortex were to be cut even a little bit (especially the outer folds of it in the brain), then the
conscious thought may severely be diminished as the human’s life gets impacted in a drastic
manner. Judging from this fact, one may conclude that the general number of cells in the brain
does not necessarily have a relationship to the conscious thought (Halloy, 2016).
Figure 1: Linking of Information (Robertson &Biaggioni, 2012).
Becoming Conscious
It is apparent that the most primal regions of a human brain (like that of brain stem or
even that of the cerebellum) indeed acts just the way a camera acts in nature. Just the way a
camera acts, these parts of the brain are responsible for generally receiving the individual
information in pieces as it comes from the sensory organs, but they do not link the data together.
Move higher up in the brain; there happen to be several links that form between the different
aspects of the sensory experiences in the brain (Halloy, 2016). Such a linking process begins in
the midbrain structures (in the likes of the thalamus section), and these links become more
intricate or somehow permanent as they move towards the cerebrum section of the brain.
Robertson and Biaggioni (2012) believe that such linking of data or information comes
from the basis of consciousness. The cells become interlinked as the information is combined
readily thereby bringing about the essence of this complicated thought in the human brain. This
implies that more links happening between the cells brings a possibility of combinations and also
a bigger number of the prior mentioned ‘thoughts.’
According to Rose (2015), there happen to be more neurons within the cerebellum as
compared to the cerebrum, but since its cells are not extensively linked, it cannot form many
complicated thoughts that the cerebrum part of the brain. Whenever information has been relayed
upwards as it comes from the cerebellum, it happens to pass to the neurons which have many
connections that can bring about many abstract links. Multiplication of these processes by a
number of times means that the various cells can be able to hold combined information such as
that of smell, the taste, and even color as they come together in the creation of a clear
representation for the object, hence referred to as consciousness.
The key to it is that the various cells at this basic level have to focus meaning that they
should not have the message they are bound to convey as the conflict in the data or information
being conveyed. This, therefore, provides a better entity for building up some complicated
information just from the small bits of data relayed to the cells. According to Jahn (1982), it is
this ability of combination for lots of relayed information in an efficient manner that yields
ability for analyzing the abstract concepts thereby bringing about the essence of consciousness.
Becoming Unconscious
Jahn (1982) believes the essence of unconsciousness can be brought out whenever a
system that is being used by the brain becomes fragmented or when the connectivity decreases
within the human brain. This is similar to what normally happens during deep sleep by someone
at all times (especially when they do not have any dream), simply put they are under the general
anesthetic in nature. It is normal that whenever someone is awake or alert, there is fast activity
being found in many places of their brain meaning that there are many signals being passed in
any of the areas within the brain. Whenever a human goes into deep sleep, their brain happens to
move to the state of unconsciousness where no signals are passing between different regions of
the brain. Robertson and Biaggioni (2012) believe that all cells in the human brain temporarily
shuts down any of their connections onto each other so as to be able to rest or even recuperate,
and by doing so, they lose interconnectivity which is associated to bigger thought processes.
Figure 2: Becoming Unconscious (Robertson &Biaggioni, 2012).
It may purely seem to be a farfetched suggestion by saying that consciousness can purely
be a status that depicts high interconnectivity, and this interconnectivity is very crucial in
achieving a higher power of the brain. There is a question of the reason as to why people from a
state of conscious thoughts and many regards this as being more of philosophical but a
fundamental property for their brains. Rose (2015) says that evolution by man has indeed led to
their brains becoming highly efficient in the processing of complex information, so as to give
many possible thoughts. Such a vast contingent of thought has expanded to giving reasons for
this consciousness, and it governs the consciousness within their very own brains.
Mind versus Brain
The mind has constantly been referred to or considered as a pure energy that is in
constant vibrating. Rose (2015) says it is the element (which is non-physical in nature)
that conducts “the thought” in a faster manner than light speed while retaining all the experience
whether it was consciously addressed or not. The mind is also capable of creating substance from
almost nothing as it has an aura in the form of energy. This form of energy is also capable of
projecting thoughts towards other minds or receiving data from these minds. It does
communicate using a language that encompasses feeling. The mind also has a very profound
effect on the level of energy within any physical body that has been able to temporarily house
this energy or even possesses the general capacity to bring healing to others. This has been
considered in many circles to be “the Spark of the Divine” or the wave that has vast limitless
such as the ocean for cosmic. The mind, given its infinite intelligence, is capable of doing these
unbelievable things.
According to Davidson & Lutz (2007), the brain can simply be regarded as the physical
manifestation of the mind and therefore a very complex idea for one to grasp. There is a big
difference between the mind and the brain of a person in that, they are interconnected, but they
do function in the same manner. For instance, almost 80% of the number of people who may
have lost their limb after being involved in an accident or it may be due to some illness always
report a feeling of excruciating pain, or a burning sensation or even aching as though the missing
part of their body is crushing at that time even though this limb is missing. Such a phenomenon
can be referred to phantom limb. Davidson and Lutz (2007) say that such sensations that bring
this pain may be created in the brain of the person and it is experienced in no different manner
than someone who has the limb.
From this point of view, the human brain is deemed to be composed of three structures
which are indeed principle and also the largest of the three. The cerebrum is found at the center
of the intellectual functioning together with reasoning. Cerebellum happens to be the second of
these structures, and it is located on the backside of the skull. The section helps people to be able
to stand or not fall. The section also helps in balancing of the body. The other structure happens
to be the medulla, which happens to be the stem leading to the spinal column. It helps in
handling involuntary tasks such as respiration. Pradhan and Dutt (1995) say that the three
structures also work in togetherness so as to help the body carry out its role for cognition.
However, it is not the mind since the mind isn’t a physical entity. Consciousness or even the
mind of a person cannot be regarded to as matter.
The mind can also be regarded as a general activity from the precincts of our brain. The
better description that can be accorded to the brain and the mind in neutrality is as depicted by
the Well-Being Triangle; with every point on the triangle being an essential component for the
mental health and eventual mediumship at large. One of the points represents a physical brain
together with the nervous system. These happen to be mechanisms which are used by energy,
especially during the process of mediumship and flow of data or information throughout the
human beings. The various senses on a human body take in this information at their
environment, and such information becomes an electrical signal that travels through a human
being’s nervous system until it arrives at the brain to give it a certain meaning while still giving a
perquisite response through the release of neurochemicals. This can also be done by merely
dispatching some electrical signals that can be able to regulate the human body, or even control
movement while influencing the emotions.
Figure 3: Linking of Information (Rose, 2015).
The human being’s mind tends to observe or even monitor the overall flow in energy or
the information moving across time altogether with modification upon it so as to grant this data
patterns and characteristics that are deemed necessary.
Since there is a concept referred to as the “neuroplasticity”, (the overall capacity of a
certain brain creating newer neural connections or even growing newer neurons as its response
towards thoughts or even some experience), every point on this triangle happens to influence
other points, making sure that the energy flow or the information flow along this very triangle
move in all the directions. Davidson and Lutz (2007) say that such a mind is capable of changing
the structure of the brain or even the overall relationships. Again, the brain is capable of
changing the structure of this mind or the relationships involved in the mix. In that regard, the
relationships capable of changing the structure of both the human being’s mind together with that
of the brain.
Brain and Thoughts
Thoughts are simply electrochemical reactions that are hard to understand since they are
so many in number and they are also very complex reactions in nature. The brain of a human
being is normally composed of around 100 billion neurons or nerve cells, and these nerve cells
are usually interconnected by other connections in a tune of trillions. These connections are
called synapses, and on average, they do transmit one signal in every second. Lutz et al., (2008)
says that there are also specialized connections within the human brain that send around 1,000
signals in every second. This specialized transmission of almost 1,000 signals in every second is
the one which produces thought in the human beings brain at large.
Given this kind of physical complexity that describes what is really happening inside the
brain of a human being, it becomes very difficult to make a trace of any thought that comes from
the beginning to the end. In consideration of perceptions, “thoughts” are born as they are directly
triggered through external stimuli such as a brush on the skin by a feather, seeing words on a
computer screen, or hearing the phone ring. Pradhan and Dutt (1995) say that all these events end
up triggering signals in a series within the brain.
For instance, whenever someone is reading certain words on paper, the photons in the
atmosphere associated to various letter patterns hit the retina while their energy happens to
trigger the electrical signal within cells that are light-detecting. This electrical signal will
eventually propagate through the system through the long threads referred to as the axons (part
of the various connections between different neurons). As the signal reaches towards the axon
end, it triggers the chemical neurotransmitters release to flow through the synapse, (basically the
chemical junction in between an axon tip to the target neurons in the whole system). The target
neuron then responds by producing certain electrical signals which will eventually spread
through the use of neurons. Within very few milliseconds in hundreds, this signal spreads into
billions of the neurons that are interconnected inside the brain, and it starts to perceive the words
in full. (It does all without even breaking a sweat.) All this amounts to the concept of thought.
Within this creativity perspective, the thoughts may be seen as a formation of the mind
trying to characterize, or describing and even somehow explain the flow of energy as the body
perceives it. The characterization by the mind is normally based on the very past experiences or
how a person has been able to focus their attention or even awareness. This is an implication as
to whether such a thought has been experienced in terms of a general idea, or simply an image,
or it might be a representation of a vision to bring some awareness to be able to know something
without explaining why it matters. Lutz et al., (2008) say that thoughts are simply the human
mind being able to play around with the flowing energy being experience. By so doing, the
concept of thought can simply be regarded to be consciousness which is at play by the energy
Judging this concept of thought from the creativity perspective, a human being happens
to be a very creativity machine matter of fact. The machine, therefore, allows us to take the
flowing energy and be able to create thoughts which can then be transformed or even converted
into actions within the world in overall. The body acts as a machine and therefore gives us a
special ability for creating some material forms from something that was formless energy prior to
the perception, thereby giving out a particular thought. It also gives a certain ability to create
thoughts from nothing while manifesting them into “Physical Creations” in nature such as an
object or even an experience.
Pradhan and Dutt (1995) say that this thoughts creation is seemingly out of nothingness
and the general process for this conversion involves the conversion of the flowing energy into
particles that do not rest as an analogous mass would. From the "The duality of mind" topic
which talks about the thought and the human mind, creation of the thought may be regarded to be
the "anti-thought" residing within the aspect of non-conscious in mind.
This implies that the mind is a greater creative tool in the body of the brain and simply
acts in the same way a radio antenna receives signals. The mind is designed to sense and hence
be able to amplify a certain type of energy then ultimately be able to determine the general
receptiveness for this flowing energy in creation. From this point of view, the body senses the
energy that is flowing and makes some awareness localized within the physical environment of
any human being. Lutz et al., (2008) say that this energy sensed is then transformed into various
thoughts which are infinite in nature. The human mind just like the antennae or the radio receiver
is subject to tuning to a certain energy.
Storage of Memories in the Brain
Memories that are generated in the human brain aren’t stored in one portion of the whole
brain. There happen to be different types of these memories, and that means they get stored
across various regions in the brain, and the regions are also interconnected. For instance, Pradhan
and Dutt (1995) affirm that there happen to be explicit memories (the memories occurring about
events which may have happened to the body of a human in an episodic pattern), and there are
also general facts or the information being gathered in the brain of a human being (that which
occurs in a semantic pattern). Travis and Shear (2010)say that there happen to be three key areas
of the brain where these memories are stored: the hippocampus, that of the amygdala together
with the neocortex. There are also implicit memories, (for example the motor memories) which
are normally stored in the cerebellum while others of the implicit nature are stored in the basal
ganglia of the human brain. There are also the short-term memories which are mostly stored in
the prefrontal cortex of the brain in a human being as Lutz et al., (2008) ascertain.
Figure 4: The Various Brain Regions for Memory Storage (Robertson &Biaggioni, 2012).
The general storage of memories can be summarised as below.
Storage of Explicit Memories
The explicit memories are generally stored in three areas within the brain of a human, and
they include the hippocampus, the amygdala together with that of the neocortex.
This region known as the hippocampus is located within the temporal lobe of the
human’s brain and has the episodic memories not only formed in it, but they are also indexed
there for later access. Lutz et al., (2008) say that these episodic memories can be regarded as the
autobiographical memories that come from the specific events occurring in the human life such
as tea they had last week with their best friend.
This is known as the largest portion of the brains’ cerebral cortex (a sheet made of neural
tissue that forms outside surface for the brain) and is very distinctive within the higher mammals
because of the wrinkly appearance it has (Lutz et al., 2008). The neocortex found in humans
helps in doing the higher functions of the brain such as the sensory perception, or even
generation for the motor commands, or even the spatial reasoning together with the government
of the language. Given some time, this information that is gathered from the memories
temporarily stored within the hippocampus may be transferred into the neocortex making up
general knowledge. ResearchersPradhan and Dutt (1995) say that this transfer which is from
hippocampus towards the neocortex always happen during sleeping time.
Another section of memory storage is known as the amygdala. It is in an almond shape
within the temporal lobe of the human brain, and it happens to attach the emotional significance
of these memories. Pradhan and Dutt (1995) say that some of the emotional memories that are
strong (such as those of shame or those which depict joy and love together with grief) may be
difficult to ever forget. Such memories may suggest that the interactions between the amygdala,
the hippocampus together with the neocortex happen to be very crucial while determining
“stability” for a certain memory or its effectiveness over time.
Storage of Implicit Memory
Storage of the implicit memories is also bound to happen within two regions of the brain
namely the cerebellum together with the basal ganglia (Lutz et al., 2008).
Basal ganglia
These basal ganglia simply involve structures that are lying deep into the human brain,
and it tends to get involved in wide range processes like emotions, processing of rewards, the
formation of habit, learning, and even movement. Pradhan and Dutt (1995) say that the basal
ganglia are also involved in the general coordination of sequences within the motor activity, such
as it happens when playing a certain musical instrument, or even dancing. These basal ganglia
happen to be the regions which are mostly affected by the Parkinson’s disease. Such situations
are evident whenever Parkinson’s patients use impaired movements from one place to the other.
It is the separate structure which is located in the rarest base within the human brain. The
cerebellum is very important during the control of fine motor thereby allowing us to be able to
use chopsticks with ease or pressing the piano keys more softly. The best example for the
cerebellar motor happens to be that of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (it lets a human being be able
to maintain a gaze upon a certain location even as they rotate their heads (Lutz et al., 2008).
Storage of Working Memory
It is generally stored in a single portion of the brain called the Prefrontal cortex.
Prefrontal cortex
It is that section of neocortex within the brain, and it happens to sit at the front part of the
human being’s brain. This portion of the brain is indeed involved in doing many complex
functions that are also cognitive in nature. The left side of the prefrontal cortex is much more
involved within the memory that brings about the verbal working, and the right side is more of
active for the memory of spatial working involving things such as remembering where a light
flash just occurred (Lutz et al., 2008).
The spontaneous activity measured from the cortex region of the brain can be classified
in four broad groups that are based upon their own frequencies, ranging from delta waves with
lower frequency (at less than 4 Hz) which emerge during sleep up to the beta waves (ranging
from 13 to 30 Hz) which are associated to the brain being awake or even alert. The
comprehensive reviews and analyses of the activities during this process of mediumship are
given in the table below.
The Cosmic Brain
People are generally used to the idea of assigning consciousness to the human thought
only forgetting that some adjustment may also be regarded towards the cosmic or even universal
way, thereby managing to apply it at many levels. The idea of cosmic consciousness is therefore
real and totally necessary in the ideal universe. The cosmic brain which brings about the idea of
cosmic consciousness indeed helps in the rescue of physics or even science from its dead end
(total inability for it to be able to create the mind from physical matter) while giving it some
fresh outlook. Having these universes that are emerging from empty spaces cannot be able to
explain the reason as to why consciousness occurs the way it does in the universe.
The essence of quantum theory explains the source of matter or energy is a vacuum, or
simply nothingness and it essentially contains many possibilities for everything which existed.
Such possibilities have been able to emerge as being simply probabilities before they “collapse”
to form localized quanta that are capable of manifesting itself in the various particles within the
space or time of building blocks such as atoms and even molecules (Lutz et al., 2008).
Some of these conceptions happen to be made less of bizarre after realizing that the
consciousness operates in the same manner. The babies have been seen as being born with a
given potential of walking, or being able to speak, being able to read, or even doing some
mathematics. There is a bigger possibility of locating the areas of the brain which produces such
abilities that are merely existent as potentials of carrying out these things. This implies that being
wedded to the idea of materialism means that there is this molecule (or the DNA) which
essentially functions as a control for speaking, or makes the human walk, helps them to read, or
even be able to do mathematics. Pradhan and Dutt (1995) say that this assumption fails because
no credit can be given to the DNA to imply that it really knows how to perfume math and such a
notion would give it a mind. Again, can one be able to buy into a belief that Shakespeare
together with other revolutionists of the word was merely getting inspiration from components
such as the amino acids or even proteins that actually produce DNA? Absolutely. Not.
Our universe generally happens to be a matter for transformation where anything that is
available is always turned to become a perception. Consciousness may then be proposed as
something which turns such perceptions into thoughts, sensations, images, and feelings. The
existing consciousness tries to utilize the human brain to act like the processing device, so as to
move the molecules from one place to where they might be needed so as to create things like
sight, or sound and even smell. Other thing achieved from such a transformation may be
regarded as touch or even taste in general.
Within every human being’s life, they get an experience such as that of transformation
which then causes the spatial world that is three-dimensional or even a temporal world that is
one-dimensional as it manifests before their very eyes. An advantage of such an experience may
be identified as the experience not being theoretical at all and in that case, reality has never been
wrong, meaning that everyone happens to be embedded within reality (Pradhan & Dutt, 1995).
Consciousness after the Death of a Brain
The essence of consciousness after the death of a human brain has been a very common
theme within the cultural context of many societies together with the idea of having a life after
this death of the brain. Pradhan and Dutt (1995) ascertain that the human mind together
with consciousness is closely related to the brain and its general physiological functioning or
even the cessation that defines the death of a human brain. However, there has been believing in
many societies in the sense that there happens to be life after the death or the brain and it has
been a feature of many religions.
The essence of consciousness indeed tends to arise from various physical processes that
take place within a human brain. Therefore, the death of the human brain goes with the
consciousness in it. It is as straightforward as that to imply that consciousness happens to be a
product from the human brain and whenever there is a scenario where the brain together with the
heart-stopping to function, then the essence of consciousness shall also cease to be existent.
Unfortunately, there has been some evidence which has been emerging to depict that this belief
hasn’t been the case.
Hundreds of such cases have been documented (and there is the likelihood that such cases
in thousands haven’t been documented) in which there are people that have had these
experiences of near death. The near-death experience simply means that the bodies had been
pronounced dead for a substantial time and then later they came back to life. They are able then
to vividly make a recount of whatever happened during their near-death experience. Others have
been found to give a very clear account with such an eerie accuracy for whatever procession was
going around them after they had ‘died’ in this manner (Lutz et al., 2008).
Many have been able to assume that these experiences which are related to death may
likely be their hallucinations or even various illusions which occur either before their hearts have
stopped or even after their hearts have successfully been restarted, and many of the instances
have not been experienced as 'real' events as the heart has stopped beating. Judging by such
cases, the essence of consciousness or even awareness for that matter may have occurred during
the short period with no heartbeat. Pradhan and Dutt (1995) say that such an assumption can be
regarded to as being paradoxical because the brain can be seen to typically cease its overall
functioning only after 20-30 seconds when the heart has stopped and cannot be able to resume
until the human heart is restarted.
The Holographic Function of Brain
The term hologram may be defined as an image that is three-dimensional in nature.
According to a brain theory that is known as the holonomic, the idea of cognitive function for the
brain seems to be guided with the use of a matrix from the interference patterns of the
neurological wave which are situated temporally within the holographic perception at the
Gestalt. They are also discrete, more effective and of the quantum vectors which are derived
from the potentials which happen to be reward anticipated.
The human brain can be described as working in the form of a hologram in the sense that
the brain seems to have a holographic network of storage. It does not store its memories in the
same place throughout. The processes in the human brain involve some electric oscillations
produced by fine-fibered webs of the dendritic patterns, and this is different in comparison to the
more ones which are known as the action potentials that involving the axons together with the
synapses. Such oscillations are in the form of waves, and they may create some wave
interference in the sense of patterns which the human brain memory happens to be encoded upon
naturally. These waves can be analyzed so as to note the similarities that exist between these
processes in the human brain and subsequent storage of the information such as the hologram.
For such a pattern the long-term piece of memory can similarly be distributed over the dendritic
arbour to illustrate that each part of this dendritic network might contain information that is
stored to this entire network (Lutz et al., 2008).Pradhan and Dutt (1995) say that this simply
means that a certain cell in the brain might be able to receive some input that comes from a
dozen cells while sending this output to others in overall.
A better solution to this may simply be splitting or even blocking the beam to form
several smaller beams that are also parallel in manner. This shall be able to allow hitting several
spots of the beams in a manner that is simultaneous, but again it may suffer from a major
problem of having all spots lying on the similar 2D “slice” (Lutz et al., 2008).
Figure 5: The Holographic Function of Brain (Lutz et al., 2008).
Figure 6: The Holographic Function of Brain (Lutz et al., 2008).
Holographic Representation of the Cosmos
It is very interesting to study about holograms since one may be able to discover that
these holograms are indeed formed from waves. A holographic brain tends to depict this in the
above images. For instance, visualization of water in a pool gives a clear picture of how waves
may be able to generate a hologram. Dropping a pebble in the still water inside the pool happens
to disturb the water surface and creates several waves which spread out in concentric circles.
Dropping another pebble at another place of water inside the same pool of water indeed
generates the second pattern of waves, and whenever these waves are going to meet, they
definitely create a pattern of interference (Lutz et al., 2008). This means that they interfere with
another while breaking up into very complex patterns that have peaks together with troughs. This
series of waves now becomes jumble waves while still generating an observable patter as
demonstrated by the chaotic jumble.
For that matter, the jumble can be used to represent a hologram that was being made from
the prior discussion using the light beams as they also created an interference pattern form the
beam laser while generating images that are realistically holographic in nature. Pradhan and Dutt
(1995) affirm that a material universe is also a form of the mental construct which is simply
masked with a reality of deeper metaphysics. It is apparent that a human brain is capable of
employing same algorithms for interpreting the “reality” which is also used in the whole process
for the construction of a hologram.
The human holographic brain indeed provides an opportunity for the surfing of larger
waves within our own consciousness bringing out the full representation of the cosmos waves.
Matter of fact, it might even follow the cultural conditioning that has ever told us this doesn’t
exist at all. Pradhan and Dutt (1995) say that it could, therefore, be concluded that the
holographic world has everything that we are able to see, or feel, or taste and even be able to
hear not being illusory. It can, therefore, be regarded as being part of the greater vast reality.
All this can be quantified under the holographic theory for the whole universe. In this
universe, it should be noted that the whole world that we see is indeed part of the general
explicate order which also happens to follow classical physics rules in nature. Beyond this reality
comes with it the implicate order that contains all that has ever been, all that is currently and also
all that shall be in their own potentiality as a replicate of the reality. A holographic representation
of this Cosmos universe has whole sections being included as parts, and it is without a doubt that
everything happens to be connected.
Brain as a Radio/waves Transmitter
It is apparent that all the information within the universe seems to be transmitted through
the essence of radio waves and the human brain is capable of perceiving all this information from
our universe while also transmitting it in the form of waves to the necessary point just likes the
radio would do. Human brains happen to have a certain form of a metal map for their
surroundings or environment, and this consists of the place cells. Such cells correspond to the
places within their physical space or are brought to functioning whenever the animal arrives at a
place they do remember. The brains, therefore, have tuning knob which works as transmitters for
any information about such places. Pradhan and Dutt (1995) say that these tiny implants in the
form of electrodes may be able to collect or even send information towards the cells in the
individual brain which is at work.
This 'tuning knob' which is actually the main element that aids in influencing the
behavior in humans and forms the circuits that are also able to tune into various frequencies
within the range of other parts of the same brain relevant to that particular time interval. Again, it
should be noted that this mental map can only be fed by information of two kinds: memories that
come from the earlier experiences together with the realistic sensory information it has in it. It is
however very tricky for one to come to an understanding of how the mental map is capable of
uploading such information (Lutz et al., 2008).
The direct measurements on a brain in a study by Pradhan and Dutt (1995) show that the
general memory information happens to be sent through the use of another frequency within our
mental maps rather than making use of the sensory information. Taking the brain to be a general
representation of our mental map helps us to synchronize such frequencies in the same manner in
which the radio receiver acts. The brain tunes into such information which may happen to be
important in that particular instance.
The essence of the brain being able to transmit in the form of radio waves helps in
broadness for many researchers to be able to explain the reason as to why there are various parts
in the brain that choose the relevant information using the essence of constant scattering for the
neurons that go into the brain. This is a depiction of transfer of information within the brain. By
the use of several implants that have been placed in mice brains, neuroscientists have discovered
that a brain generally has tuning knob and they also work in a perfect manner for that matter.
These tiny electrodes that have been implanted in the brain have been able to collect and also
send this information to the brain cells which may be working on the issue (Lutz et al., 2008).
Brain Waves Frequency Humans
The human brain has for a long time been known to be essentially an organ that is mostly
electrochemical, and many researchers such as Pradhan and Dutt (1995) say that have made
speculations that ascertain generation of around 10 watts in any brain that may fully be
functional. He further estimates that if it was possible for the 10 billion nerve cells that are
interconnected to discharge at once and it is passed through an electrode, a volt could be realized,
a matter of fact he even says that hooking up many scalps could produce a greater voltage that is
capable of lighting a bulb.
Pradhan and Dutt (1995) say that such an electrical power in the human brain happens to
be very limited, but it occurs through specific ways while trying to display brainwaves. These
brainwaves are four in number, and they range from highest activities to those activities that have
a lower electrical power hence of least activity.
Figure 7: The Brain Waves (Pradhan&Dutt, 1995).
The Brainwaves
Whenever a brain becomes aroused, or it is actively being engaged in various mental
activities, there is a generation of beta waves. Such beta waves happen to have a relatively
lower measure of amplitude, and they are also the fastest of all these brainwaves. Beta waves
frequencies tend to range from a mere 15 cycles and up to 40 cycles in every second as
Pradhan and Dutt (1995) affirm in their study. Beta waves represent arousal in the human
mind and can be associated with the mind being strongly engaged such as having an active
conversation or whenever a person is giving a speech. It is also depicted during teacher or
during a talk show on television.
The next category of brainwave depending on their general frequency happens to be
the alpha. The alpha brainwaves indeed represent non-arousal according to Pradhan and Dutt
(1995), since the brainwaves tend to be slower and they normally have an amplitude that is a
little bit higher. It frequency occurs between 9 cycles up to 14 cycles in every second. This
can be depicted by a person that has just completed their task, and they may be sitting down
so as to rest. Whenever a person is reflecting upon something, they are said to be in a state of
A state that comes next is that of theta brainwaves which have greater amplitude but a
frequency that is slower, ranging from 5 cycles up to 8 cycles in every second as Pradhan and
Dutt (1995) affirm. This state is normally depicted by a person that might have taken some
time off or even a break from doing a certain task. They immediately begin daydream. It can
also be seen in a person who might be driving on the way that is flowing freely, especially as
they discover in their mind that they are not able to account how they traversed the past five
miles. Such a state may also be visualized whenever a person is in a shower or when they are
shaving or even when they are brushing their hair. The state comes when a person is carrying
out tasks that minds can disengage from with ease. It could also be depicted whenever
someone is very idle (Lutz et al., 2008).
Delta is indeed the final state of brainwave, and they have the biggest amplitude with
a very slow frequency, ranging from around 1.5 cycles up to 4 cycles in every second.
According to Pradhan and Dutt (1995), these brainwaves never go up to zero since that
would imply that you that person is in reality brain dead. However, he affirms that deep sleep
that is indeed dreamless can take a person down up to a very low frequency until they
acquire this state.
Whenever a person awakes coming from a deeper sleep of the night in preparation to
getting up, it is apparent that the frequencies of their brainwave shall increase in different
stages for its brainwave activity. It increases from that of the delta, goes to theta, moves to
alpha, and then it finally goes to beta after the alarm has gone off.
Research has been able to show that even though a single brainwave state tries to
predominate during a given time, (and this is dependent upon the level of activity in any
individual), other three states of the brainwave are still present at every time of the brain
functioning. This implies that somebody may be in a state of arousal in an exhibition of the
beta brainwave, but looking at them keenly reveals that there is still an alpha component in
the person's brain or even that of theta and even delta in trace levels (Lutz et al., 2008).
The essence of brainwave states indeed enhances the person's ability for them to use
several specialized characteristics while in such states as they continue to be mentally
productive across or intensely focused. It also helps in the relaxing mood, or in the creative
state and when they are restfully asleep.
Brain Activity and Brain Waves
Whenever someone undergoes a state of mediumship, the brain of this person undergoes four
states in his mind as it continues to operate within these predominant frequencies of the brainwave as
Bastos et al. (2015) affirms to. The different states together with the brain activity that a human
mind undergoes through during mediumship are described as below.
Beta Brainwaves
According to De Oliveira and Krippner (2013), the process of mediumship makes the
mind of a person to undergo the state of beta, where their brain operates with full conscious and
pronounced awareness. They have a full attention to anything and everything around them, and
usually, it is only a small side of their brain that is indeed operating at such an instance. Higher
Frequency cycles for this Beta state have been associated with having stress or even anxiety
while others have been regarded to be overthinking. Therefore, their conscious mind indeed
becomes misguided and may end up reacting negatively to any given situation. Therefore, Bastos
et al. (2015) says that the essence of mediumship helps a person to be able to handle the various
issues which may arise from the general problems in the life of a person.
Alpha Brainwaves
The alpha state is normally achieved by a person undergoing the process of mediumship
whenever their brain generally operates with a typified conscious that also has partial awareness
together with the partial subconscious that is predominant in the same instance as Oliveira and
Krippner (2013) puts it. Mediumship indeed helps the person to absorb more information from
the surrounding environment whenever they fall into the alpha state and this makes the state to
be considered as being one of the highly desirable states for effective mediumship. The alpha
state also promotes the use of left side for the human brain in the processing of data or
information during mediumship.
Theta Brainwaves
Halloy (2016) and Loveland (2013) ascertains that theta brainwaves are considered to be
triggered by a pure state of deep relaxation where the mind consciousness is ‘switched off,
during the process of mediumship and the person experiences excellent psychic at this stage.
This goes on for quite some time while the subconscious mind gets left out to continue
flourishing. This can also be typified by the status of sleep or dreaming, or even deep
relaxation depicted by those going through the process of mediumship. Bastos et al. (2015)
reassures such a notion by saying that hypnotists may also aim at the idea of taking this path.
These theta brainwaves depict a state in which they are visualizing greater things while there are
general suggestions entering their minds for the subconscious. Consciously, they become less
aware of what might be going on in their environments or around them for that matter. Some of
the things experienced are such as a transcend through space and even time, while obtaining
remote perceptions which make the person achieve information of the highest order.
Delta Brainwaves
Whenever a person is going through the process of mediumship, there is a possibility that
they may be under a state of delta brainwaves and at this, they are normally in extremely, or very
deep relaxation or even some may be in deep sleep while in this mediation process. It is a
state that brings some complete subconscious. This can be experienced with very deep sleep
while the physical body may begin the process of recuperation or even recovery that is
heightened. De Oliveira and Krippner (2013) and Halloy (2016) reaffirms that the human mind is
within the universal consciousness and it is apparent as the most developed state of the mind.
Brain Wave Changes during Mediumship
During mediumship, the beta waves range from 29 to 11 Hertz. They do have very low
amplitudes together with multiple frequencies. It is also associated with activeness or being very
busy or even anxious in thinking together with the activeness in concentration during the act of
mediumship. There is also the higher beta that ranges in between the value of 29 22. At this
stage, it can be able to cause panicking while the person becomes more of hyperactive. The
normal Beta which ranges in between the value of 21.99-15 hertz has the person being very
twitchy while the lower Beta which ranges at the value of 14.99-14.5hertz has less visibility of
their surrounding and more feeling of the environment by the judgment of the brain in
mediumship (Bastos et al., 2015).
Moreover, Loveland (2013) say that alpha ranges from the value of 13 to 8.5 hertz and
the person in mediumship begins to close their eyes and attain a great sense of relaxation. Their
rhythm gets slower than at the level of 8 hertz thereby bordering on the range of theta. At the
stage where they attain the HigherAlphaof between the values of 13 hertz to 12 hertz, the person
is very quiet in the state of mediumship.
The state of Theta Ranges from the value of 8 hertz to 4.1 hertz and it brings a sense of
drowsiness and a state of arousal as observed during the process of mediumship. It is also the
brain state in which there is an experience of excellent of psychics. The remote viewing is
extended and there is also an astral projection that can be associated with the state
of relaxation together with creativeness in the person going through the process of mediumship.
At a higher Theta level with the value of8 hertz to 7hertz, the human brain losses its awareness
and it has a lot of exterior focus (Bastos et al., 2015).
Medical, Scientific and Physic Analysis to describe Mediumship
There have been various medical and scientific research studies that have been able to
depict the essence of mediumship in neuroscience.
Brainwaves that are Constant
Pradhan and Dutt (1995) say that the human brain is always active, whether one is resting
or they are asleep, meaning that the human brain always has an electrical activity. In the study,
the frequency was monitored while the location for these electrical waves in the brain measured
using an electroencephalography. The electrodes for measuring the waves were placed
depending on the standard locations, and they closed their eyes for around 20 minutes so as to be
able to go through the process of mediumship in a time of 20 minutes again using any order.
These observation of a variation in the brainwaves and shifting of location from slower to faster
electrical brainwaves (in the sense of Delta, that of theta, the alpha brainwaves, together with the
beta brainwaves) indeed are a good indicator that the process or act of mediumship brings about
some brain activity.
Attention is relaxed as Theta Displays
During the mediumship process, the theta waves happen to be promoting vivid flashes in
the section called frontal lobe within the human brain. It is apparent that such waves tend to
originate from the moment when relaxation is given more attention and also monitoring of the
inner experiences. In a study by Loveland (2013), it has been shown that these theta waves
happen to indicate there is a deep relaxation which occurs whenever mediumship is practiced.
The source for these waves is most probably the frontal parts of the human brain, and can also be
associated with the essence of monitoring the mental processes such as that of imagination or
even thinking as a whole. The measure of mental calmness in such regions indeed signals that
there is also the essence of physical relaxation as a general response to mediumship for the
mental imagery being depicted as alluded to by Bastos et al. (2015) and Halloy (2016) in their
Alpha Waves Silent Experiences
Halloy (2016) says that the alpha waves have been able to show more awareness in a
more relaxed manner as it also depicts more abundance towards the posterior region of the
human brain at the time of mediumship since many studies such as that by Pradhan and Dutt
(1995) have affirmed that the concept of mediumship brings about relaxation to the body and the
human mind. The wave is also characteristic for a wakeful rest but may be offset by the
disruption caused by the loss of concentration during the process of mediumship. It also has been
applied universally as a technical sign to show relaxation especially during the process of
mediumship together with other types of human resting.
De Oliveira and Krippner (2013) say that "Spontaneous wandering of the mind is
something you become more aware of and familiar with when you go through the process of
mediumship.” He further adds that "This default activity of the brain is often underestimated. It
probably represents a kind of mental processing that connects various experiences, and
emotional residues put them into perspective and lay them to rest." The alpha waves amount also
tends to increase whenever the human brain relaxes especially when carrying out a goal-oriented
project or even tasks. However, such a signal of deep relaxation doesn’t mean that a human mind
can be regarded as a void as Loveland (2013) asserts in his study.
Different after sleep
Pradhan and Dutt (1995) say that the delta waves can be characterized by the sleep of a
human being and it is indeed real as his study depicts. In this study, there happened to be very
little delta when the mind was relaxing or even carrying out tasks, or while they are undergoing a
nondirective mediumship which was also found to be different from the frequency from sleep.
The beta waves tend to occur whenever the human brain happens to be working an intensive
goal-oriented task which includes things such as the general planning of a date together with the
reflection actively over a certain issue. There are however fewer beta waves at the time of
mediumship for the human brain or even when it’s resting. It is apparent that one step away from
their own problems when they decide to undergo the essence of relaxation, and this can mainly
be achieved through the practice of mediumship as Pradhan and Dutt (1995) affirm.
Concentration Versus Nondirective
The study by Bastos et al. (2015); De Oliveira and Krippner (2013); Halloy (2016) and
Loveland (2013) on the process of mediumship indicates that there is better relaxation together
with stress management when someone decides to go through the general process of mediumship
while following the techniques that control the mind content. "These methods are often described
as nondirective because mediums do not actively pursue a particular experience or state of mind.
They cultivate the ability to tolerate the spontaneous wandering of the mind without getting too
much involved. Instead of concentrating on getting away from stressful thought and emotions,
you simply let them pass in an effortless way” (Bastos et al., 2015).
How Neuroscience and Clinical Neurophysiology describe Mediumship
There have been various descriptions of mediumship in research studies that have been
able to depict the essence of mediumship in neuroscience. The various neurobiological studies
have been carried out on the human brain to ascertain the fact that the brain is normally
stimulated in an electrical manner and then it starts to function in a cortical way. Some have been
able to prove that the consciousness state cannot be attained easily and cerebral cortex is the
section where this electric stimulation happens. Neuroscience and clinical neurophysiology
describe mediumship as follows.
Neuroscience has been able to use the ideas of imaging in the form of “functional
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)” to depict the essence of brainwaves during the process of
mediumship. The concept of fMRI detects any subtle increase in the flow of blood into areas of
the brain that may be experiencing a high metabolic rate during the process of mediumship as
Loveland (2013) depicts in his study. The study helps in determination of the regions or areas
which definitely have an increased activity of metabolism, an indicator of the areas of the brain
that currently are under use at the stimuli presented (Pradhan & Dutt, 1995).
A neuroimaging research for meta-analysis on the brain regions has been able to find out
that the various regions are consistently altered, especially those of meta-awareness (such as the
frontopolar cortex or that of the Brodmann area), that of exteroceptive together with the region of
interoceptive awareness for the body (such as the sensory cortex together with the insular
cortex). There is also the memory consolidation together with that of reconsolidation (called the
Other regions that have been able to depict a change during the process of mediumship or
mediation for the regulation of emotions are the anterior cortex at the cingulate together with
the orbitofrontal cortex. Lutz et al. (2008) say that the essence of interhemispheric
communication which happens at the superior fasciculus that is longitudinal has been found to
alter. The various changes have been distinguishable by their density increase especially when
the grey matter areas are observed together with the white matter in the human brains that have
been going through the process of mediumship with a comparison to those individuals that
haven’t been going through the process of mediumship. In all these areas that have been able to
report changes, the bigger numbers have been found to be in the left hemisphere.
There has also been evidence that really suggests mediumship to be playing a key role in
protection against any natural reduction in volume for the existing grey matter which is normally
associated with aging. Another study by Pradhanand and Dutt (1995) found out that the Zen
mediums have always experienced the slower aging process that is related to the decline in gray
matter volume at the cerebral section, especially at the putamen area that normally plays a key
role in the learning processes, the cognitive flexibility together with the attentional processes.
This suggests the better attentiveness that is depicted by the aging mediums against those who do
not practice the concept of mediumship.
Some of the changes in the brain status have been found to occur in mediums in an
exclusive manner, and this has been found to concentrate at the executive higher-order together
with the association cortices. Such a finding could be applied to give support towards the notion
which fronts the idea that mediumship increases the level of self-regulation together with
attentiveness as it enhances the human brain and mind all together. Bastos et al. (2015) affirm in
their study that these changes can also be able to alter the general functionality or even the
connectivity for all the default network modes in the human brain and its various regions which
may be active during the time of engaging in activities such as that of daydreaming. Some of the
long-term mediumship people have been able to depict that they indeed have a very high
tolerance towards pain. Such an effect can be correlated as to be an altered functionality in the
structure of the somatosensory cortices with an increase in the ability for the decouple regions
within the human brain that are also associated to the general cognitive appraisal for all pain (this
is the anterior cortex at cingulate together with dorsolateral cortex in the prefrontal area of the
Neurophysiology indeed evaluates the brain under mediumship practices for the essence
of quantifying the conclusions made under neuroscience. The concept of neurophysiologytries to
use the electrical leads that may be placed on the human scalp so that they can be able to
measure the collective activity of the electrical charges in the cerebral cortex region of the brain
during the process of mediation. Specifically, Davidson and Lutz (2007) say that the EEG
concept measures an electric field that may have been generated from the neurons within the
The psychic phenomenon that brings about "mediumistic art" in relation to the
neurophysiology of a person is the entity which guides the relevant process for artwork creation.
Through various case studies, this "mediumistic art" has been analyzed by the use of scientific
point views, while classifying the particular phenomenon in an artistic creation that is abnormal
or even an anomalous manifestation for the human creativity bringing about the idea of
individuals that are also neurophysiological predisposition under specific contexts of culture as.
According to the hypothesis by De Oliveira and Krippner (2013), the mirror neurons may tend to
have the role that emerges in a particular form for creative dissociation which therefore can be
detected during manifestation by the essence of "channeling phenomena," a very distinctive
ability for the general mediumship.
Telepathy Phenomenon
The essence or concept of telepathy means feeling or perceiving or even experiencing it
from a distance. It is also regarded as the purported information or data transmission without
using a sensory channel for the physical interaction from one person to the other. The term
telepathy has indeed remained to be more popular in the cultural and religious circles as it is used
as an expression for thought-transference between the entities.Many psychologists together with
academicians have not been able to accept any possibility for the concept brought about by
psychic phenomena (in this sense, it is all about telepathy or pre-cognition) since they do not
think that it is even slightly possible for it to happen.
The essence of telepathy and for that matter, mediumship has always been regarded as
just the act of sitting in front of crystals or candles, breathing in through awkward ways and
going on with the business. However, mediumship simply helps the brain to work properly with
a lot of concentration, or rumination or even intentional thinking. The various brainwaves have
been able to give a suggestion that the mental activity that takes place during telepathy or during
mediumship happens to be so wakeful and also brings relaxation for that matter.
One of the concepts that can be used to describe the idea of telepathy is about quantum
physics. Scientists have been able to disapprove the idea of telepathy for a long time as they say
that it does contravene generally physics laws. Many say that if telepathy indeed exists, it would
necessitate the revision of the understanding for the way our own universe really functions.
However, there has not been any information being derived about the concepts that physics
which deals with the microcosmic quantum is really based upon therefore the same does not
even exclude any possibility that telepathy can happen.
For example, Davidson and Lutz (2007) say that there has been a phenomenon for
‘quantum entanglement,’ which indeed ‘separates’ various particles that may seem to be
interconnected, or they are reacting with movements of each other. In this instance, they cannot
be treated to be independent units; they are treated as part of this system. With this in mind, it is
possible for making the suggestion that all things may seem to be interconnected at the
microcosmic level, and therefore there is a very big possibility that information may be
exchanged via telepathy and this can also be linked onto the concept of the 'field' for sharing the
consciousness that was prior described in this text. Such an idea can be applied to give an
explanation of what really happens when particles are allowed to interconnect or even be able to
Psychic Sense
Mankind is considered to be endowed with the sixth sense that is helpful for navigation
through their own lives. The essence of the sixth sense (or the psychic ability of a person), can be
termed as the ability to perceive the subtle-dimension together with the unseen world for the
angels or even the ghosts or even spirits for that matter (De Oliveira & Krippner, 2013). This
also includes the many abilities to understand the subtle causes together with the effective
relationship behind so many events, which also go beyond the general understanding for all the
intellect and may also involve things such as projecting a conscious awareness outside their own
bodies. This concept can also be referred to as the extrasensory perception (or in another word
the ESP) or the general premonition. Davidson and Lutz (2007) affirm that other instances have
been able to refer to it as the intuition which is very synonymous as it regards the sixth sense and
the psychic ability of the human being, especially during the time or the process of mediumship.
Activation of the sixth sense (or the psychic ability) happens to be a very important
phenomenon in the sense that it is a tool used for conducting some spiritual research. The
participation in mediumship events eventually make it able for someone interested in it to get
access to their sixth sense (or the psychic ability). If they find it hard to perceive what was
intended while still in their subtle-dimension, such as spiritual practice helps one to progress,
while gradually finding the correct grip of events and this is usually done with the help of the
third eye or the sixth sense that they eventually find themselves to be in possession of as Pradhan
and Dutt (1995) say in their general study.
The human beings have been found to possess several senses that are additional besides
having the usual or traditional five senses (which includes that of balance or acceleration, the one
for limb position together with anatomically, the sense of temperature, the sense of pain, and the
sense of internal state which can be separated by touch). In addition to that, Pradhan and Dutt
(1995) ascertain that many animals also have extra additional senses that also go beyond those
usual ones, especially the mammals in the category of animals.
For instance, the bats usually have the essence of echolocation. However, not only are the
mammals with such abilities as there is fish that can sense electric fields from a distance. This is
a concept that can be regarded to as the sixth sense in the animals which also helps the mind of
the animals in a broader sense. This sixth sense has been given a very good documentation
especially with the regards to the general changes that the various animals behave in just before
there could be an earthquake. Lutz et al. (2008) say that this could be a perception for the
magnetic fields in which the animals have an ability to detect it or hearing the sounds together
with the frequencies that cannot be perceived by the human beings.
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