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return lowers the number of available funds to meet their daily needs which have decreased
the amount of revenue which is collected by the county governments to meet for
developments in the city. Low amounts of revenue collection have a substantive impact on
the overall growth and events in any state. The local authorities should, therefore, enact laws
for reduction of the amounts of rents which are paid by the tenants which in return will
increase the number of income which is available for spending in an attempt to boost the
economy of the city.( Christensen et al.,60)
Statistics have shown that the increase in the rental prices has had a 2.5 percent
significant decline in the GDP of the counties. As a result of an increase in the demand for
housing, the housing crisis is predicted to double itself as we approach 2030 in case no
punitive actions are taken to eliminate that menace. San Diego’s population is also predicted
to double shortly, bearing in mind the era of fastest increase is the recent years.
Considering the other climatic and pressure on the available social amenities, the
population increase will result in more harms than good in the economy of San Diego rather
than bringing a solution to the current shortage of houses in the area. In other words, the new
number of people who will result will create a lot of pressure on schools, hospitals, work and
the free roads while they are traveling. Such an increase in population and pressure on the
available critical social amenities will mean construction of new highways or renovation of
the existing ones in an attempt to solve the issue. But how can such happen when there are
insufficient funds in the local authority. This is a prediction of a tough time on the economy
of San Diego over the coming years. The local government should, therefore, attempt to bring
unending solutions to help control the population growth and increase on the available
housing in an attempt to meet the future demand. The local San Diego’s authority is however
aware of this impending issues, and it’s looking for proper measures to help eradicate that
menace. The Regional Transportation Plan has also given a system whereby it wishes to