who is stuck in Kemmer. However, it is through their differences that the plot brings Genly on
the worlds impressive tour and culture is thoroughly explored.
Although Genly serves as the main viewpoint character, I was fond of Therem Harth
rem ir Estraven who is the true protagonist and one of the King’s ministers. He is probably the
only one apart from Genly who is interested to see Gethen become a part of Ekuman for the
good of everybody but takes a lot of effort and time to make Genly believe it and trust him.
The book is definitely a vital fiction seminal work as it challenges sex, gender roles as
well as human’s gender notions. What results when sex is entirely taken out of the equation?
We see Genly Ai trying to understand how the Gethenians are at the same time both male and
female as Estraven struggles to understand Genly Ai together with his Ekumen ways. The novel
from a literal standpoint is beautifully written with a deceptively straightforward plot. Some
other stories are interspersed in the entire main storyline. These include Ai’s predecessor field
records and Gethen myth tales. Every tale and every analysis offer a crucial insight into the
novel. There are firesides tales in the novel about the future seers and doomed lovers as well
as postulations about the Gethenians origin and human genetic experimentation.
The book is not easy to read. For instance, Ms. LeGuin’s prose graceful and descriptive
but requires memory and a lot of concentration to keep straight and understand different
customs and people throughout. The Left Hand of Darkness at less than three hundred pages is
nonetheless full of challenging ideas concepts and themes. Gender, religion, political systems
as well as the human natures facets are examined to the length. It is, however, a challenging
book that can only get better after reading it severally.
While in the middle the narrative gets bogged down somehow, the conflicts as well as
the characters in this book unique nature makes the book to move along at a brisk pace. Whether
the planet forms a part of Ekumen or not is secondary to the characters fate and how as the part
of the society they reflect it. For me, it was not until I was done reading the novel that I started