The EOP notes that, in addition to infrastructural restoration such as road and building
reconstruction, restoration of provision of services to people including those with special needs is
key to full recovery of the county from disasters.
Of the twenty four Emergency Support Functions (ESF) included in the EOP, only a few entail
measures for recovery or mitigation activities specific to the County’s vulnerable populations.
Notably so is ESF-6-Mass Care (pg. 82)- Department of Social Services (DSS) is designated as
the primary agency for coordinating and managing mass care and disaster responsive services.
The DSS coordinates three key agencies in helping the vulnerable groups recover from disasters.
These are the American Red cross, Southern Baptist Convention, and the Salvation Army which
are all tasked with feeding and sheltering residents after a disaster. The vulnerable population,
except for those with special medical conditions, receive the same treatment or services as the
rest of the population. In view of this special consideration, the DSS and Department of Health
and Environmental Control (DHCE) are tasked with operating Special Medical Needs shelters
throughout the state, managed by DHCE. (Charleston County, 2016, pg. 82).
Another consideration of the vulnerable population as regards to recovery is listed in ESF-14 –
Long-Term Community Recovery and Mitigation, however to a limited extent. The ECF lists that
the Deputy County Administrator for Human Services, with various support agencies, will
provide for the coordinated effort of all concerned parties involved with recovery in the
community including but not limited to vulnerable populations in the wake of a disaster.
Part of recovery process includes control of re-entry into the impacted areas after mass
evacuations following a major disaster. Charlton county has developed a plan; the Re-Entry and
Security Plan (2017), which serves as a guide for local and state agencies for managing “orderly
and efficient re-entry” after a large-scale evacuation while safely securing public and private