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rise in global as well as ocean temperatures, the shrinkage of the glacial sheets and size.
However, the debate has profoundly based its argument on the role of human’s involvement on
the global warming and other changes to climate. Two opposing opinions points to the fact that
humans have a role to play in the current state of climate change due to human-made activities.
As noted by the IPCC (2007), human activities have a profound impact on climate
change through the changes caused by the earth’s atmosphere because of some greenhouse
gasses, aerosols as well as cloudiness caused. Some of the activities entail the burning of fossils
fuels, which leads to the emission of carbon (IV) oxide into the atmosphere (Australian Academy
of Science 6). Apart from carbon (IV) oxide, other gas like methane, nitrous oxide and
halocarbon gasses like chlorofluorocarbons used in refrigeration and industrial operations
released into the atmosphere (Australian Academy of Science, 11, 14, 34).
On the other hand, the opposing viewpoints climate change as natural and not because of
human activities but rather, naturally caused. As noted by the Australian Academy of Science
(2015), some of the natural causes of climate change include the variations in the level and
effects of the sun’s brightness. Additionally, other causes include volcanic eruptions, which have
led to the enormous emissions of gases like carbon dioxide, sulfur, hydrogen sulfide as well as
carbon monoxide into the atmosphere.
In the control and delivery of measures to deal with climate change, the policies by the
individual governments play a vital role in overseeing implementation of environmental
protection measures. Through public policy, procedural decisions serve a crucial role in
minimizing the risks of climate change (Australian Academy of Science 5). Therefore, based on
the Keynesian and Friedman concepts, the involvement of government has an extensive role in
shaping the outlook of the climate issue in the world. Two options exist, the world governments