which carry cell phone signals, can trigger the development of brain tumors and damage to
genetic materials of human body cells among other dangers (Carlo & Schram, 2002).
Apparently, the quantity of EMR that emanates from cell phones while in use exceeds the
scientifically established thresholds for this kind of exposure. Similarly, tower-based antennas
support cell phone usage emit radiations that require people to live a safe distance away from
them to be safe, but the public is largely unaware of this critical information.
Independent studies from Europe corroborated the findings of the study by Dr. Carlo and
his team. The European studies established that cell phone usage could potentially lead to brain
dysfunction, brain tumors, and possibly other complications such as autism, neurodegenerative
disease, attention deficit disorder, as well as behavioral and psychological problems (Kovach,
2007). With the potential to cause so much damage, one would expect the public to be wary of
cell phones. Unfortunately, this has not been the case because the cell phone industry has been
successful at using its massive resource base to keep this sensitive information from the public
(Carlo & Schram, 2002). The cover up further owes its success to the slow and subtle nature of
the damaging effects of cell phones, coupled with misleading studies to discredit any claims
about the dangers of these gadgets.
In conclusion, it is apparent that cell phones expose their users to a slew of health related
dangers. Unfortunately, behind-the-scenes forces have been successful at keeping this critical
information from the unsuspecting public. Whenever potentially damaging information reaches
the public domain, the cell phone industry activates its propaganda machine to refute and
discredit it. In effect, the public remains confused about where the truth lies on this matter.
Consequently, the public should be wary of cell phones because history has proven that smoke
only emanates from a fire even if the fire is not yet manifest.