The US Economy as of November 2017
The US economy has come since November 2017 to a critical junction to be resolved in
one way or another within the coming days, giving a particular drama to this essay, along with a
sense of uncertainty, given that events are still in play and conflicting reports are issued.
Decision concerning the tax reduction which takes over a trillion dollars out of taxation revenue
is about to be made, leaving behind the question of how the trillion dollar investment President
Trump also promised as candidate for the infrastructure would be fulfilled. How these two
initiatives, the tax reduction and the possible rise in interest rates are linked since November of
this year is the underlying theme of this paper,
The essay begins by studying the US economy which in the reporting and analysis
reflects an odd contradiction, promoting seemingly simultaneously positive and negative
conclusions about its overall health. That contradiction will be studied specifically with regards
to the housing sector in order to make a distinction between an economy tied to the stock market
and concerned with buybacks, mergers, and investment profits and the “real” economy of
production and consumption, of wages and consumer relations within a system of production and
distribution. We turn then to assess the tax reform that may be passed or rejected in the coming
days, and set it against the possible rise of interest rates. The underlying argument is that the two
are closely related.
Until the fall of 2017, the stock market had reacted with horror and a rush to the exit at
the slightest whisper that the interest rates set at zero allowing for massive transfer of funds to
corporations will be raised. The current willingness to accept a rise in rates, it will be argued, is
related to the trillion or so of investment capital supporting the already huge profits corporations