Behavioral and cognitive treatment remains the most widely accepted intervention for
sexual offender treatment. One of the behavioral interventions applied to sexual offenders is
relapse prevention. This approach has long been the predominant approach used (Yates, 2013).
This intervention assists the sexual offenders to identify, anticipate and prevent high-risk
situations. These are mainly those situations which could lead to lapses. The intervention deals
with teaching the patients to cope with the high-risk situations or problems that may come in
their way. This model is, however, giving way to other new intervention models.
The Good Lives Model is another behavioral intervention model that is used for the
treatment of sexual offenders. This intervention model proposes that sexual offenders just like
other humans seek to acquire fundamental primary human goods (Yates, 2013). They are goal-
directed as well. Examples of these primary human goods include friendship, happiness, being
dependent, sexual pleasure, and attaining peace of emotional and mind equilibrium. The Good
Lives Model framework suggests that sexual offenders may utilize different substances to
regulate their moods in attaining these primary human goods. Good Lives Model approach
focuses on assisting sexual offenders to attain these valued and important life goals. This is done
in non-harmful and pro-social ways. As such, the offenders do not lapse because they become
fulfilled with the needs they were seeking. Unlike the relapse prevention, this model utilizes
approach rather than avoidance of the real problems that lead to recidivism. The approach rather
than solely focusing on the behaviour and activities that the client cannot engage, the treatment,
in this case, include working hard to attain those important goals.
All the interventions for sexual offenders are not effective. The most effective programs
follow the principles of risk, need, and responsivity (RNR) (Hanson and Helmus & Hodgson,
2009). The programs stated above have been successful in helping sexual offenders. The