Mediation is a crucial process that brings parties involved in conflicts together. In this case, a family
that has served in the army has been involved in conflicts. The first stage in this case will be establishing
relationships with the parties. Being a mediator in this case I will begin with making initial contact with the
members of the family involved, the school and the police. The process of mediation is important because
it prevents more damages that can result from the conflicts. Carlos, his father and step mother are the
primary players in the conflict. I will begin by explaining to them how resolving their differences will
strengthen their family and build their relationship. The process of mediating will take a few weeks and for
it to work all the players need to be committed. The mediation process will be taking place every evening
after dinner when all the players are available.
The second stage involved in mediation process is selecting a strategy that will work on ending the
conflicts. In this case it will be important to assist the Carlos and his parents assess the various approaches
that can be used. The method that I will use in this case will be arbitrating the two parties. Carlos has had
issues in school and instead of admitting and owning the mistakes, he blames his step mother. The conflict
if unresolved will extend to the couple since his father will blame his mother for the loss of his son. The
arbitrating process will involve Carlos, his step mother and his father to sit before approaching the school
The third important stage involve is collecting and analyzing the background information. In this
case, we know that Carlos parents met while serving in the army. They had also been involved in marriages
before and had children. The couple decided to live together and raise the children together. Carlos who
had been born out of the previous marriage that resulted in divorce became the son to the step-mom. They
became close and could even share things about relationships with the step mom. Carlos was one day caught
with drugs which he claimed belonged to one of his friends. By talking to Carlos in this case, I would be
able to verify the truth regarding the drugs that had been caught in Carlos possession. To minimize the
effects of inaccurate data, I would urge the parents not to confront Carlos until the truth has been established.
I would also urge the parents not to shift blames and face the issue united.