medicine. They clearly discuss with the patients about when and how to take the medicine and
how to carefully store the medicine to avoid errors. Secondly, they communicate all the possible
side effects of the drugs. They tell the patients about how the drugs will affect them, and how to
prevent negative side effects. Thirdly, medicine communication allows patients to discuss any
concerns they have about the medicines with the doctors (Guy, 2017). They freely air potential
allergies and reactions to particular medicine, and allow the staff to give medicine based on
distinct individual needs. Communication reduces the likelihood of errors to great extent as the
hospital staff become thorough when prescribing medicine to the patients.
Thirdly, cleanliness and Quietness of the Organization is a major component of VB that
is put into consideration. Cleanliness of hospitals equals quality care delivery. Cleanliness is
facilitated in all aspects of the organization, from waste disposal and management to the dressing
of the hospital staff. The wards are cleaned on a daily basis and hand washing a habit among all
the hospital staff. In addition, the facilities are always quiet to give the patients and their doctors
a peace of mind and to facilitate faster recovery.
For the next three years, the ICU, ED, and Surgical Care Departments have implemented
various measures to facilitate successful implementation of VBP. Firstly, the departments have
updated all the EHR systems in order to facilitate advanced and innovative VBP techniques. To
facilitate effective reimbursement, analysis, collection and storage of information the use of EHR
systems is mandatory. Adoption of HER will help the organization embrace more meaningful
data insights. The systems will be updated on a regular basis and in accordance with the current
technological advancements and innovations. The systems also facilitate effective
communication among all the hospital staff. They ease all operations, and allow for fast retrieval
of significant patient information.