Why English has Become Widely Learned Second Language in the World 2
Why the English has Become Widely Learned Second-Language in the World
The use of a common language act as one of most important aspect in the contemporary
world. In particular, it enables individuals across the globe to communicate and avoid
misunderstanding among themselves. English is one of the renowned common language. In fact,
it has become the most learned language despite the majority of the speakers being non-native
(Pennycook 2017, p. 7). The essay outlines the key reasons why the English has become the
second learned language in the world.
Economic status is a major cause why english has become widely learned second-
language across the globe. In particular, the language is internationally used by businesses while
conducting their transactions (Pennycook 2017, p. 22). The economic performance of numerous
nations is analyzed in English where the economic agents include the government, businesses
and the public. English assist the international organizations to allocate resources and offer
quality services to the people they serve. The language is also applicable controlling air transport
to facilitate economic development. Thus, individuals find it important to learn the English
language to understand the economic matters and promote international businesses.
Political power also encourages people to learn English as second language (Pennycook
2017, p. 42). Most of political discussions made outside the domestic areas require use of
English. The language acts as a link between political leaders and the public within or outside the
country. The world publishing and political updates of various nations are done using the English
language. Moreover, the official and international conversations as well as speeches are
conducted in English. Thus, this encourages people to learn English language to have more
understanding on political issues.