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Texas A&M Commerce provides an incredibly reliable website. It gives details of all the
activities and facilities offered by the institution. The homepage is has several pictures that show
students in classrooms, social places, sporting, graduating, and the technically advanced teaching
techniques used in the institution. A variety of options are given on which details concerning a
specific area can be availed. The options involve academics, admissions, athletics, student life,
resources and research. These offer particular details that would be used to determine the causes
of dropouts in schools. A variety of reasons could be presumed compromising of unfavorable
student association subjected by the institution, lack of sufficient funds to cater for self needs,
inappropriate learning methods and low quality education (Texas A&M University Commerce
The ‘about’ section gives the description of the institution. This involves location, various
campuses that the university has, functions and information from various senior offices in the
organization, the mission statement and events calendar. The academics link leads to various
departments that include business and entrepreneurship, education and human services,
humanities, social sciences and arts, science, engineering and agriculture and graduate school.
Each of these has programs under them that specify the certain course. The graduate school
program offers graduate studies, graduate admissions, request information and apply online as
the subcategories. These are aimed at enhancing the relationship between students and
administration at large by offering online services that would relief the need to go to the
institution for the services. The admissions program gives the fees charged for various courses,
financial aid and scholarships and an undergraduate admissions link that offers orientation for
new students and an online catalogue. Athletics option displays various sporting activities in the
institution, community engagement, facilities and sporting calendar. Student life gives details on