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female candidate also vie for the seat, much note has to be placed on the fact that men contributed
less than half of the votes while women are majority voters (Phillip Cohen, par 1).
So what is your judgment on the matter of women empowerment and do you
believe that Hillary Clinton lost the election because she was a woman?
I do believe that women have not yet understood the current effect they may have on
society if they do realize their potential they could change the tide on how things are perceived
and yes I do believe that she lost because she was a woman. Much of the factors that should also
be looked upon are much of what I’m saying about women being shown the power they have and
just how much they could achieve (McLintosh, p 2).
What do you think have been the key drivers of women recognition in the society?
The traditional setting of women being the objective of balance and stability in just the
family setting is changing and they are now moving masses and borders by taking up matters of
leadership, decision making and even other current affairs affecting the globe like global warming
(Enloe, p 4). The biggest milestone that they may have attained in the use is the current numbers
they have stepped up in to make rational decisions. Women are now more actively involved in
politics by filling up cabinet seats and give men a run for their money on how they handle issues
and the progress they make in the economy.
What do you think are areas that can be improved on towards creating a more
inclusive society in terms of gender?
For starters, their eyes need to be opened by educating them on the power they hold and
how to use it wisely. Roles have to be given alongside men in the workplace setting for the women
who want to have those roles and as they progress encouraged to carry on in the chosen field
formerly dominated by the male sex (Johnson, p 2). More seats are created in the political setting