Workplace Harassment: Sexual Violence
Sexual harassment in workplaces have been a critical problem in the society for the last
couple of decades and continues to ail the contemporary society as evident by a large number of
court cases in regards to this issue. While many still misunderstand what amounts to sexual
harassment, it goes way far to the misuse of power in controlling a particular individual for
personal gain, especially in work peripherals. Even with the laws available and the literature
discussions in the United States, sexual harassment still becomes a debated issue every dawn.
This paper intends to discuss the in-depth issue of sexual harassment in workplaces as evident in
today’s world.
In essence, sexual harassment is majorly a form of gender segregation where it may come
in many forms such as a request for sexual favors as well as verbal or physical contact that may
have a different connotation altogether (Germain, 2018). Such behavior qualifies to be a sexual
harassment if they are used as conditions whether implicitly or explicitly for employing an
individual in a particular workplace. These conducts often become a sexual harassment when
such conditions become the basis for deciding whether to employ such individuals or not
(Germain, 2018). Additionally, many employers or rather workmates may use such conditions as
a tool for interfering with the performance or creation of an environment that becomes hostile or
even intimidating for working.
In dealing with this menace of the sexual harassment particularly in the working
environment, saw the creation of bodies such as California Fair Employment and Housing Act’s
(FEHA) which have gone far in assisting the victims of such violations and trying to put to an
end to these habits (Marshall, 2017). Such Acts has been responsible for prohibiting sexual
harassment in workplaces. It as well puts individuals such as the supervisors, managers as well