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To understand basically the major element that contributed to the regional economic growth in
East Asia, a comparative study of public policy and economic progress was devised by the Board
of Governors of World Bank during their annual general meeting in 1991 (World Bank, 1993,
pp. 5-7). Though the conclusions drawn from this report was subjected to objection by various
organizations, authorities, and policymakers questioning the credibility and authenticity of the
findings, mode of approach to the topic at hand and involved parties, the report seems to be very
comprehensive and resourceful on the strategic and systematic avenues that this state’s traded on
to achieve socio-economic prowess and a self-sustaining economy (World Bank, 1993, pp. 8-15).
The question remains, what does the World Bank report tells us about the miracle of East Asia in
dominating the economy? What extra did this region incorporate in their social, political and
economic prospect to emerge the best in the region? Looking from a general perspective, it is
easy to realize that a fundamental element of growth ranges from natural to human resources,
capital, and technology employed in making the process of economic stability a success. East
Asia has a huge accumulation of human and physical capital. Equally, these economies were able
to allocate and manage human and physical resources to investments that seemed highly
productive with a compliment from a good grasp and mastery of technology and the dynamics of
the market. Arguing from this front then, it is easy to deduce that, the East Asian Economies did
not do any miracles in the quest to achieve its conquest; it just employed this essential of growth
and managed it better as compared to most other economies that had similar abilities and the
same time (World Bank, 1993, pp. 16-20). The economies studied on the report employed
distinct but highly combined policies ranging from hands off to interventionist explaining why
some claims that there is no a single model from the East Asian economy by their own that
essentially contributed to their development. Going as per the diversity prospect and experience,