Consequences of World War Two, that are still felt by today’s generation. 3
The impact of the booming in Japan is still felt today there people are born with physical
problems as the result of the nuclear war heard that was used during Second World War. Japan
people still suffer financial problems since these chemical that were used needs higher qualified
doctors, and training these doctors need a lot of money.
The war helped in a major success for women's civil rights advocates. (Marcel Baudot
2009) The period of the war, the administration of every nation drafted men to provide in the
army. While men had taken most of the employment at this time, the forces draft left behind a
space in factories, offices, and in plantation farms. This space was taken by women, many of
whom had never worked before. The war continued, women urbanized their self-possession and
gained a strong intelligence of self-rule. When the war had ended and the men returned, the
women did not give up their jobs; many enjoyed making their own income and not having to rely
on their men or brothers or sons for cash. (Martin Gilbert 1954) The administration required
permitting women to work and to raise equality in pay Women carry on fighting for total
equality; this is the effect of the world war that women can get equal treatment as men.
In conclusion the nations that took part in the Second World War two have many
challenges that face them today, complied with the states that never took part. Many nations like
American become super power after the end of the Second World War while the nations like
Japan lost in economical and also they still feel the effect of the bombing that was done in their
country. The world war two also had a great effect on the empowerment of women it give them
the chance to take part in government and in official office. The Second World War has both
positive and negative effects.